My kids have been out of school all week and Dave had to go back on midnights this one week. Good timing:) Because of this I took the kids out to HillSpring Tuesday and Wednesday. I did some more typing for mom, although I seem to be doing a lot of chatting. I have really enjoyed reading my mom's history and it is really fun to type. I miss typing and that is one reason I started a blog. It has been great practice and I feel I am getting faster again. That night I read through old newspaper clipping of my dad's. I didn't get very far into that but what I did was fasinating. My parents did so much and my dad accomplished alot for the community. I had know the basic story of my dad fighting the Hog Board but now have a much better understanding. I want to finish the clippings and then I will type his history also. Natalie came out Wednesday and I set up the computer in the kitchen so I could still chat and type. I barely saw Colton the entire day. The boys made a fort in the basement, which I have no idea if they cleaned up. Sorry mom!! And the girls were playing basketball or at Cannon's house.

Mom gave Ryan a full glass of water. He could barely reach the counter and it was dripping because he had to tip it so far to even reach it. It was really funny. Cora had a spot on her chin that I had tried to pick and couldn't get. I asked Natalie to look at it and suddenly there was a mini spa set up in the kitchen. Cora was being a little brat about it because she was embarred. Mom managed to sneak some pictures for me. After Cora said it was a little fun. She didn't want to admit to much! My mom gave me a new bedspread set that she had had for a few years. My old one, which also came from mom:), was getting pretty ratty. We have set that up and it looks great.

At 3 Cora, Kailey, and I went to do baptisms with the HillSpring YW. When we were done Natalie met me at the 10 mile corner with Leah and Blake and we all went home. Dave pulled in right behind us, he had been out to the farm, and we decided to take our certificates and go to Cheesecake. It was yummy as always and I didn't have to do dishes.
This morning was Dave's court date. Nothing was finalized yet. But it was frustrating for me to watch. We sat there for 45 minutes and every case was either stood down or adjorned for a later date. Really lets just solve things already. A lot of paper shuffling and nothing resolved. Crazy!!!
Mom gave Ryan a full glass of water. He could barely reach the counter and it was dripping because he had to tip it so far to even reach it. It was really funny. Cora had a spot on her chin that I had tried to pick and couldn't get. I asked Natalie to look at it and suddenly there was a mini spa set up in the kitchen. Cora was being a little brat about it because she was embarred. Mom managed to sneak some pictures for me. After Cora said it was a little fun. She didn't want to admit to much! My mom gave me a new bedspread set that she had had for a few years. My old one, which also came from mom:), was getting pretty ratty. We have set that up and it looks great.
At 3 Cora, Kailey, and I went to do baptisms with the HillSpring YW. When we were done Natalie met me at the 10 mile corner with Leah and Blake and we all went home. Dave pulled in right behind us, he had been out to the farm, and we decided to take our certificates and go to Cheesecake. It was yummy as always and I didn't have to do dishes.
This morning was Dave's court date. Nothing was finalized yet. But it was frustrating for me to watch. We sat there for 45 minutes and every case was either stood down or adjorned for a later date. Really lets just solve things already. A lot of paper shuffling and nothing resolved. Crazy!!!
I so wish I was there, sounds like a perfect day! I'm sorry that I don't comment on your blog as much as I used to but I look at it a lot now on my phone and its really hard to comment from there. I do look at every single one and I am so impressed that you always change your background for the holidays and seasons