We started out this Valentine's with pink heart shaped pancakes and raspberry smoothies. It was delicious. I wanted to do something different then the usual store bought Valentine's for my kids this year and since I have recently discovered Pinterest (very cool but very addicting) I had a few ideas. For Blake he did these Glowsticks with a note that said 'I hope you have a GLOWing Valentine's Day'.

I found a couple of cute little ideas and couldn't decided which one to do for Dave. I decided to do a countdown to Valentine's Day. I made up a lot of little things and and snuck one in his lunch/truck/suit each day. I started Feb. 2. It was fun. Dave said I should do it all year long:)
I found a couple of cute little ideas and couldn't decided which one to do for Dave. I decided to do a countdown to Valentine's Day. I made up a lot of little things and and snuck one in his lunch/truck/suit each day. I started Feb. 2. It was fun. Dave said I should do it all year long:)
For Leah we made up popcorn with chocolate and cinnamon hearts. We stuck them in heart cupcake holders and put on a sign that said 'Just POPping through to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day'.
For the teacher we said 'You are a Pop-Pop-Popular teacher.
I tried a double heart french braid for Cora hair this morning.
Leah saw these heart pig tails and asked me to do them for her. She got sent to the office to get her picture taken because her teacher thought they were so cool. Shaye Pierson had her hair done the same way. I asked her if her mom had been on Pinterest too. :)
Tonight for dinner we are having the best dinner. Kita's hassleback potatoes, Shake and Bake pork chops, red Jell-O, and chocolate terrine with raspberry sauce. YUM YUM!!
Some V-Day facts 52% of Canadian are single and 15% of women send themselves flower.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Leah got a thank you note from Locks of Love the other day. It was a nice postcard that explained what they do with the hair. I will put that in her scrapbook. I love having all my kids in school full time. Today I dropped them off, came home and shovelled the walks, went to Cardston, had my teeth clean, my root canal filled, did a temple session, drove home, cleaned my kitchen, folded laundry, vacuumed, check my email, and still had time to walk up to the school to get my kids. Awesome.
Wow - that's a busy day. Cute ideas for Valentines. I'll have to copy that idea for Jason next year. Have a great Valentine's Day! Love you guys.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day you make it for your family! I also used the same little note that Leah used for Emry's valentine's, only we made heart shaped sugar cookies with pink icing. I really wanted to make the popcorn, it sounded so yummy! I think is a lot of fun to do something different than the store bought cards too! I look forward to the day when all our kids are in school too, I just dream about all the things I can do and all I can get done without any interruption! I am glad you are at the point in your life when you can enjoy doing the daily tasks of life!
ReplyDeleteI have been planning on doing Brynn's hair like you did Leah's for V-day for weeks! I even took a picture off of pinterest for it. Nat was doing her hair and she asked me how I wanted it done and I said, "I don't know, whatever" It wasn't until that night that I remembered. UGH!!!! I'm glad you did it, it is adorable
ReplyDeleteWow it looks like you had a wonderful V-day. And dont evern get me started on Pintrest. I LOVE it, and that doesnt even do it justice. I got my mom going. I feel it best to share some addictions. The girls hair is darling. What a good idea spreeding out the gift to your sweet heart. I love to give gifts. Even better when there a suprize.