I feel that this year we have finally seen a small reward for our labors. We have always taken the kids to all four sessions of conference. First travelling to the church for every session, then when we got Internet we stayed home except for Sunday morning. It was not fun,easy, or peaceful. Sometimes I thought I was crazy as Blake was climbing over benches and nobody in the building could hear. I did get some dirty looks. It was more work and for years I would come home thinking I had no idea what was said. This year the kids asked me when conference was. They were on a count down and very excited. I deemed it time that we could stay home for all four. All the messages were so good. I love Saturday morning when they make all the new announcement and tell of new temples coming. There were many inspiring talks and I hope that my kids will always have the love of conference that they do right now. We will continue to work and teach them about this important opportunity to listen to the Lord's disciples.

The girls made a few bracelets and designed new dresses for the Tabernacle Choir.
Blake quietly played with some Lego and sat with us. With all the great messages it got me thinking about the many things that I am thankful for, and with Thanksgiving coming up I thought I would list a few.
1. So thankful for my family. All of them. My kids, husband, in-laws and immediate family. I have been very blessed with all of them that I get to associate with.
2. For a Heavenly Father that know what is best for me and my little family. That he guides us in the direction that we need to be to reach our celestial potential.
3. To my brother-in-law for recommending Dave for the job he has now. It was a great move and great timing we were guided to go when he did.
4. For knowing Little Miss A. I feel privileged to have been blessed to know her. Happy Birthday little one.
5. For a husband that make my life so easy. For always making me laugh, for loving me, and putting up with me. Who thinks so much like me that our marriage has been a joy and a blessing.
6. For my life and the knowledge of the gospel that I have.
7. That I am able to walk and run. I may not be fast but I have the ability. It took time and dedication to get it back. Sometimes it still hurts, even though it has been years and I have to work through it. But I can walk on my own.
8. For a daughter that is starting to come into her own. She is helpful, kind, observant of others needs and so much fun to be with. I honestly consider her not only my daughter but quickly becoming one of my best friends. I look forward to seeing her accomplish all that she has been sent here to do.
9. For my other two that I love and have many great talents and gifts of their own. But are still my young enough that they retain a bit of the little kids that I miss cuddling and listening to, with their funny ideas and thoughts.
10. For a son that when they announced that he could go on a mission a year earlier shouted, "YES". I continually pray that we will be guided to help him keep that attitude as he becomes older and more influenced by peers.
I have many more things and I could go on and on but these are just the things I have been thinking of the last couple of days. Happy Thanksgiving to all tomorrow.