Friday afternoon we got all packed up and traveled all the way out to Fort Steele for our church Youth Conference. The Cranbrook stake had invited us to spend this weekend with them. We dropped Blake off with Dave at his work on the way. Dave was just finishing. While we were gone Blake had two ball games and he got to pitch. They also worked lots on our yard, getting it ready for grass seed. We finally arrived and set up our beds. We had straw filled mattresses in bunks to sleep on in the barracks. It was really cool.

Each youth member was given a bag. In the bag was a candy bag, water bottle, map, itinerary, and a bandanas. The color of the bandana was your group for the weekend. We had some get to know you games, introductions, and fun until about 9. Then it was pizza and dance time. Cora usually hates dances, but had so much fun. They both meet friends right away and had some they already knew. They got right in and just got involved. Cora's foot was killing her that night after jumping around and dancing. After the dance we all got ready for bed and had a devotional. Our YW devotional started at 12:45 pm It was a late night.
Up by 7 for clean-up and breakfast. The missionaries came and cooked us breakfast. We had some giant pancakes. Tons of fresh fruit all day. All the food was delicious.
After breakfast we had an opening devotional, which was wonderful, than divided into our groups for the activities. I did not get many pictures of Leah since I was with Cora's group. I tried to walk back and forth some. We did some gardening. Lots of weed pulling.
There was gold panning and archiving. My girls didn't get to do the gold panning, there wasn't time. Leah and this girl from the other stake, Journey, hit it off right away. They had so much fun together. At the end they exchanged info and hope to keep in contact.
The Fort gets a lot of donations. They had to catalog it all.
Another station was pioneer photos and Dutch Oven cooking.
Leah had an awesome group. They pick a girl and boy in grade 12 and they are the youth leaders for the weekend. Leah's would high five her every time the walked past and make sure she was dancing. They always had all involved. Cora was not even sure who her leaders were. She still had a great time. We just all learned a lesson in being a good leader. This is Cora's group.
Making buns for dinner in the Dutch Oven.
Then last they had a wagon ride and played old fashioned games. The wagon was pulled by Clydesdale. We tried to get a picture but were to late. I love Clydesdale.
Awesome action shot. I'm always surprised when my phone takes a nice photo
A picture at the gold panning station.
There were some leaders I enjoyed talking with and also learned ways to involve some of my yw better. It was educational for all of us.
Lunch time.
It was a very hot day. Anytime we could find shade we took full advantage of it. After lunch we had free time to wander around the town, see all the shops, and buy souvenirs if we wanted.
I am not sure what my kids think other churches are like. Cora is praising something. No idea what is happening below. Weirdos!!
Being bored in school. Cora is trying to get detention by dipping Leah's hair in the ink well.
Leah does not really appreciate taxidermy animals or life like dolls. Journey convinced her to sit by this one for a picture.
We all gathered at the Theatre at 2 for a fireside. We talked about what to expect for Trek next year. Cranbrook has invited us to that. We had a mini reenactment, and a wonderful talk by the other stake YM president. And then testimony meeting. Going up the girls were not to excited and wanted to leave early. Cora told Leah that they could not miss the testimony meeting. It was the best thing about youth conference. And it's true. Youth will say things with their peers that they will not talk about in a sacrament meeting. It was just over and hour and a half long and I think we could have gone longer. But dinner was ready. This is another group of girls that my girls hung out with.
Just as it was time to leave, they all decided to play spoons together.
These two girls are sisters, from our stake, and we are good friends with their parents. No idea why we haven't got them together before. Leah and Emily (also in blue) are the same age. Two month apart. Cora and Maycie (in flowered shirt) are the same age. I hope to have them spend a lot more time together. They are fantastic girls. Cora and Leah loved hanging out with them. They are also third cousins:)

We loaded up and headed home. It was and wonderful, exhausting, strengthening, hot, uplifting, fantastic weekend. It is such a great experience for my kids to spend time with others from our church. I love that this church is world wide. That we can go anywhere and get that unity and spirit. I love their friends at school. They have made wise choices and all have good standards. But there is a difference you can feel when you get together with those of your same believes, a freedom to be you. Cora comment about that in her testimony. It is so true. Despite the fact that there are no showers, I am looking forward to camp. They will get to spend time with the girls they befriended this weekend and feel of that same spirit again. Thanks to all for EVERYTHING that happened this weekend. It was a ton of work for those that put it all together and a huge success.