Last weekend was our Stake Youth activity. This is usually just for 14 and up, but since it was a service project this month they decided to invite the 12 and 13 year olds as well. The young women had some fabulous ideas of things they wanted to do and the men were in charge of food. For the service projects they had three things they did. 1. Bedtime bags for kids for a local women's shelter. The kids put a pillow, a story, toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, slippers, and a stuffed animal in a bag that was the same material as the pillows. 2. They pieced together material for Bravery Buddies. Children that have multiple visits to hospitals such as cancer and burn centers, get a bead every time they go. These are called Bravery Beads. Most make a necklace out of them. A girl in our stake had triple boys with cancer and she, along with her sister came up with this pattern for the Bravery Buddies. Thinking her boys were to young to understand the beads (they were under a year) and would not want a necklace. It is a stuffed animal with a clear stomach that they feed the bead to and it stays inside the stomach where they can see their collection. 3. Hygiene kits for the homeless. So many great people contributed that all they had to purchase was the books. There was a video at the beginning that really helped the kids to understand the needs of others around them. The YW did a really fantastic job. There was also a card and letter station to include letters in all the bags or to write missionaries. Then for the food Dave wanted to serve appetizer type food. (He is Stake YM's president) We went through a list of things that would be easy for me to do and he just checked with his councilors and YW's to see if they wanted to add or delete anything. I had planned to do it all, just because I thought it would be easier, but he asked if his councilors wanted to bring anything on the list. They signed up for lots which was great. I had wanted to ask my mom and Nicole to come help me. I knew we worked well together and it would all go smoothly. But Dave didn't think it would look right if I brought my own helpers, not trusting the other wives. So I didn't ask. Cora's plans had changed so she was coming to help. The day before her work schedule changed again and she could not come. Then that morning my mom called and asked if she and dad could come help. Of course I accepted. Also Maycie knew Cora wasn't there and came to take her spot. So glad my parents and Maycie came. I would have been on my own. It was a nice variety of food. We did almost run out. A few things we should have had more of. The stake was really hoping to get at least 40 and they had 80 show. Awesome turn out, not awesome for my food situation. A few years ago at Devin Hanna's wedding they had a Hot Chocolate Bar. I have been wanting to do one ever since. So after being fed, everyone took off on a hayride and did some caroling. I set up my hot chocolate stuff. I looked through a few ideas on Pinterest and asked my kids what they thought would be good, and ended up with a great selection of things to put in hot chocolate. It was so fun.

I did fix the strings before everyone got back. The kids loved it. I know some kids had 4 different cups. I purposely bought smaller cups thinking that would happen.
The whole night was really wonderful and hopefully got the youth in the right spirit of giving for Christmas. I am so so thankful for my parents and Maycie for their help. I know Dave and his councilors would have come in to help, but it was better for them to be out associating with the youth. Another successful activity.
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