Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Yay!! They are back.

Suddenly my pictures decided they did like my computer after all.  Fantastic.  But now I have some catching up.  :)  These pictures are from a few weeks ago.  The ceiling is all done and Dave will start painting tomorrow. 

Front room fire place.

Looking in my front door at entryway.

Girls step-in closet and window seat.

Looking into master bathroom and closet.

Stairway down from top floor.

Stairway up from basement.

Living room in basement with wood stove.

A sunset picture Cora took a while ago.  So pretty.

I saw Blake go by and had to go out and get a picture.  This is so typical little boy farm to me.  Love everything about it.

Leah's friends remembered Rett Month.  And even tho she had her nails painted purple again they wanted a day to wear purple with her.  She declared Oct 15 was the day.  Right in the middle of the month.  The 5 of them wore all the purple they had.  Leah added orange this year.  Girlpower2cure (Rett awareness site) flowers are orange.

Now most exciting this month.  Cora can dive.  She passed.  YAY!!  She had taken a test a few days after her birthday.  But failed since I had not taught her a few things.  But she nailed parallel parking.  I picked her up a little early today to practice and honestly she was doing terrible.  It was really the worst she had ever driven.  She was so anxious, I finally made her stop on the side of the road to take a few breathes and then it was time.  She and I where sure she was going to fail.  I prayed the entire time she was out that she would be at peace and remember what she knew.  I knew she could do it but had psyched herself out.  Cora walked back in with a great big smile.  Success (and thank you prayers:))  After it was all done and I was taking her back to school. she said she was a little nervous to get in a car all by herself.  Yep. Me to.


  1. YAY CORA!!!!!!!! I’m so proud of you! Thats awesome!! And the house is looking great! :)

  2. Yay Cora! That is so crazy that she has her license. Didn't she just barely start Young Woman's :) The house is looking awesome.

  3. Congratulations Cora!!!! I knew you could do it!

  4. Yay Cora!!!! And the house looks amazing :) miss you!!

  5. Congrats to Cora. So exciting! Lalainia

  6. Congrats to Cora. So exciting! Lalainia
