We just had the 1st annual Puzey Campout. It was a fun week. My mother-in-law had spent weeks before hand planning activities and meals and making tons for bread and buns, so it could go as smoothly as possible. I think the kids had a good time. Blake especially had a blast. He has some boy cousins his age and they had fun together. The meals where delicious with not to much to clean up. Rachel had brought out her gellish nails stuff and we all got they royal treatment.
I painted the babies toes. So cute. I love little ones with painted toes. A little sad as it reminded me of doing Anna's for the first time.
Myrna had caterpillars the kids made.
Turned out cute also.
The girls helped get the string ready to make glow in the dark jelly fish.
Leah and Ashton dyed the string then it had to dry. Later in the week we put them all together.
Every day we spent swimming.
Either at the beach or the pool. Monday Jared took the afternoon off and took us all on the boat. Rachel and I even went for a tube ride. It was awesome. The kids did lots of tubing and Cora tried water skiing. She popped up first try. She has absolutely been bitten by the ski bug. She went again later in the day and is now counting down until our youth activity. She LOVED it, and did so great.
There was also a water fight planned. Again a great activity. My kids came in smiling and soaked.
There was a fire one night with roasted wieners and s'mores. Blake always enjoys a good fire and Jared built a big one. :) Cora taught the kids to play Poisonous Stump. A fun game that Steve taught us last year after being on trek with his ward. I think most enjoyed it.
Tuesday the girls and I had to take off for a young women's activity. We did a service project as the community center. They where showing a movie and the young women where in charge of tickets and concession. Everyone else came up to watch the movie.
Wednesday was Blake's birthday. I had made chocolate cupcakes ahead of time, filled them with whipped cream and froze them. That day I pulled them out and iced them. Very yummy if I say so myself. We stayed up past midnight that night to watch the meteor shower. Pretty cool.
One of the activities I was in charge of was tye-dye shirts for all. Everyone brought a shirt for their kids and we showed them how to do it. Lots of neat patterns from everyone. We finally got a picture of them all together. The oldest grandchild is holding the youngest and the second oldest is holding the second youngest. Armin was little mad because he wanted to stand by Leah, so after we got him back we switched. But I love the first picture.

It was a good week. I enjoyed chatting late into the night with my sister-in-laws and mother-in-law. I was tired the next morning, but it was worth it. We ate good and had a nice time. I had told my girls before hand that they where the oldest and would need to make sure they helped all week. Anytime grandma called on them they needed to jump. They did fantastic. Only once did I need to ask Leah to do something twice. They where helpful and happy and played with kids all week. Blake was ecstatic to have boys around for the week. I would call the first campout a success and look forward to next year. Thanks for everything Grandma Puzey!!