This past week we have spent in HillSpring with my family. This is always such a fun week. Everyone was there but Steve Sunday afternoon and mom was very determined to get a family picture. Some of us had dirty shirts, some may have been in pj, but mom didn't care. She just wanted us out there smiling.
Monday Dave was able to stay out since it was a holiday. Cannon and Nicole were redoing their bathroom and that became the men's project.

The boys project was to repaint the white playhouse and turn it into a camouflage fort for the boys. They had a really great time doing that. Pretty painted after, the fort and the boys. Blake and Colton played so good the whole week. If I was looking for Blake I just asked Natalie where Colton was and didn't even have to go looking. I knew Blake would be there also. Tuesday we went into Raymond. We had a great lunch at Natalie's then went to the Raymond Pool. It really is an awesome pool. They have things for every age group and it is really inexpensive. Kita had a hard time getting anyone to take her money up here. It got to be quite funny. They didn't want that big of a bill or it was the wrong credit card. She was getting very frustrated. After the pool, Brock and McKay came in to take everyone 12 and up into Lethbridge for 'teenager time'. This was a big hit. They ate at 5 Guys, went mini golfing, watched a movie, and got treats. The feed back I got was this may have to become a tradition:) They kids and adults went back to Natalie's for dinner by Nicole. Poor Cannon was feeling miserable. Wednesday the moms went to Cardston for some girl time. We had lunch and did a little shopping. It was nice. We haven't had a girls trip since Taylor and Kristin got married, so this was a super mini one.

Brynn is presiding over the rest of us.
I may have the cutest nephews. I was glad Taylor and Kristin were able to make it up, even though it was only for a few days. I don't get to see much of Brody. I think he will be walking any second now.
We went tubing twice and down to Pioneer Palor for ice cream. One morning Natalie taught us all how to make fabric flower for our hair. They were easy, fast and super cute. Thursday Nicole had fruit come in and McKay took chickens to the Hutterites to get slaughtered. When that all came home everyone lined up my parent's stairs and handed them down to the deep freeze. Ever since Vernal my mom has loved human chains:)
Mom had Nicole make this table cloth. Mom put clear plastic over the top and we ate off of this all week, unless we ate outside. Dave is # 13, I am # 7, Cora and Leah are #16 & #17, Blake I can't remember. I will have to total that up.
My sisters, mom, and I:) :)
For my mom's meal this year she made a milk can dinner. We just layered everything in then cooked it over a propane burner until it was done. It was really tasty and really fun for the kids to watch. I had been trying out recipes for a couple of months and decided for my meal I would make salmon. We never have fish when we are all together. It had a great brown sugar, soy sauce, and lemon pepper marinade. I also made crock-pot baby potatoes that taste like potato skins. I wanted to try a coconut fruit dip from Pinterest. It was yummy but not in my top 5 so I won't make it again. Funny thing was Kita made tilapia this year.
Mom has a bag of plastic cups that she keeps and every year the kids pull it out. It is amazing how much fun they have with cups.
A boys sleep-over. Ryan only lasted part way through, but he was so excited to be invited to that party. This was a long post but I really didn't include everything. This is honestly my favorite week of the year. My kids and I look forward to it. They have great cousins to look up to and all get along so well. I love just being with my sisters. No matter what we are doing. We stay up to late, eat to much, and just hang out.