Monday, July 5, 2021

Yet Another Update

I am still waiting for wedding pictures so I can do a wedding post.  I had assumed it would take a few weeks, so hopefully soon.  But in the mean time.
Cora is loving married life, highly recommends.  They are back in BC working again.  Still waiting on some product so they can finish the temple.  They are doing other projects while they wait.  It has been so hot out there, Cora said they start work at like 4:30 to beat the heat and go straight to the beach after work to cool down.
Blake has been starting work with one of his jobs pretty early as well this last week.  We would open every window at about 10 at night and then close everything up at 8 in the morning.  I even tacked up blankets and towels on windows upstairs to cover them all up.  Serves me right for hating curtains. But we managed to never get to hot inside.
Dave had last week off.  It started out with a trip to Edmonton.  Leah called Wednesday saying Morgan had died.  Again!!  Dave decided it was time to start looking for another car.  But he secretly loves running up to help her.  Said he would way rather do that then have her not call him.  She has a friend that was kind and very willing to take a look at it.  Thankful for the good friends she has. 
We left Blake behind this time.  Dave could have used his help, I am not much of a help with cars.  Blake had to work and had plans to go golfing with Gilbert, Quade and Anna.  He decided he needed a great golf outfit.  Socks and all, and found it in his drawers. Dave pulled out his clubs the night before and found a bird nest or two inside.  Haha it has been a while since Dave went. Blake had a blast and can not wait to go again. 
As Dave and I were driving to Edmonton, we were trying to remember the last time we had a trip just us.  I don't like to leave the kids behind.  I always want them to enjoy all the adventures with us.  We couldn't remember when our last trip had been.  This time fixing Morgan was a bit better.  Leah's new place had a nice grassy place off the road with some shade.  Not middle of the winter. We had to buy a part, pretty sure we got the last one in Canada, got it all fixed up and running again and picked up Leah from work.  I really wish I would have gotten a picture of her in her scrubs outside of her work.  I miss wearing my scrubs and she is so dang cute in hers. It was late and we still had a long drive, so we only saw her for about 20 mins.  Her roommates were very kind and offered help, water, and food if we needed it. Leah continues to have a 'blast and a half' in YSA.  She was just asked to be in the RS presidency and said she is a bit nervous since it is 'a big girl calling'.  But I know she will be awesome. With things opening back up she is finally getting the chance to go out and do things, which she has really missed.  And is really making up for it as fast as she can. We are happy she has some really great friends in Edmonton.  
This truck still is irritating Dave and Blake.  There really is not much he can't fix and nothing on this seems to point to what the actual problem is.  Everything they test is working, but it will not start.  The other day I went out to see how it was going and saw that Blake had literally gotten right in to help.

We finally got out on the lake. We used to go every Friday, but since Blake has school on Friday's now we haven't been able to.  We left at 6:30 Wednesday morning.  Early in the morning is always the very best.  No one is out, the water is like glass.  It is beautiful.  And this week is was already stinkin' hot. We had breakfast on the lake and then Blake got skiing.

This year he was trying to get up on one ski instead of dropping it.  Dave got him cutting.  He always said that once Blake got a feel for it, he wouldn't look back.  He got it and loves it. We only stayed a couple hours, as we had to be in town by noon.  It really was the perfect morning.

We didn't do much for July 1st.  I miss going to HillSpring, bridge jumping and the 8 min parade both sides.  We loaded a bull up and Jared tookit  over to Buck's.  The other one went through the fence, so that was fun.  Then Dave and Blake did some work on the corrals with Jared in prep for moving them on Saturday.  Cora said she had the day off.  They enjoyed a nice sleep in, beach, and a great dinner.  Leah was the only one that did much.  Sounds like it was some fun parties she went to.

I had a great analogy while we were moving cows. But this is getting long, so I will have that be another post for another day.  Life is good, our kids have good friends and fun things going on.  We have been told basketball is starting again soon. Masks are off and things are open.  All is well. We were able to sing again in church on Sunday.  We sang O Canada.  As we were standing to sing our national anthem I was standing between Blake and Dave.  I looked up at my 6" son and to the other side at my 6"5' husband and felt very small.  I still marvel sometimes at the man he is becoming. He talks of his mission often and is getting excited.

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