Wednesday, August 28, 2024


August was the month of family reunions this year.   We had so much fun.  Smith reunion was first weekend in August. As usual everyone had a meal they were in charge of.  Nicole took most of the pictures, cause the rest of us didn't. :) She is always good at that.  Kita and Nicole did t-shirts for us again.  Steve did an awesome design. We packed in as much as we could in 2 days.  Thursdays started with dinner at Cannon and Nicole's.  Dave and I got there really late as we had to work and haul water for cows before we could leave.  It was nice and we stayed a bit.  We slept at Leah's each night so we didn't have to travel so far.  Friday we all met back in Cardston and traveled to Waterton.  Some hiked bears hump and other walked around the town.  We all met back for lunch and then went to HillSpring.  Levi and Cannon had blown up all our tubes and Levi met us at the canal for a float.  It was the coldest day, but we had one chance so we got in anyways. There was bridge jumping and then a trailer ride into the little store and a drive around the village.  And of course a stop at Pioneer Parlor for ice cream.  Natalie had dinner ready for us when we got back. Saturday mom and dad did breakfast and we watched the parade.  We ended up just hanging out at the Airbnb that Jones' had rented the rest of the day.  I was in charge of lunch and Kita did dinner.  Some went to the mud bogging and rodeo, but it was just relaxing and whatever you felt like.  When it was all done we wished we had another day.  I love when my family is able to all get together.  It is always just easy and low key.  Talks, laughs, serious, special, fun, and always lots of memories are made. 
Most chaotic family picture :)

Cora always has to give a tuddle when she is near water.

Cora was pleased that everyone loved Jane and just took her everywhere they went.  It was kinda funny.  I think some were surprised at how Cora just takes her along, hikes, trailer rides, mud bog.  Where Cora goes Jane goes and it isn't slowing her down.

Just hanging out. 


Trailer ride

Cool people with same great taste.

Nicole got lots of pictures, but I don't love the update on this site and pictures were a pain to upload.  Used to be a breeze.  So just a sneak it is. 

Puzey reunion was the next weekend.  The girls went to Cardston to see a play Thursday.  As always they did a great job.  Friday we went to Myrna's for dinner and hung out for a bit.  It was nice to see everyone that was able to make it.  Saturday afternoon we all went to the lake.  We had a fun floating on the lake and being chill enjoying the sun.  Had dinner at the lake that Jared bbqed.  We had planned on staying and chatting for a bit, but Cora's SIL was coming to stay with us on her way up north.  Leah and Braydon also came in Saturday night.  Sunday we all got to go to church together.  It is fun to have so much family back in the ward, we took up 3 benches and it was awesome.  Dave and I wanted to dinner at our house so Leah and Braydon could eat with us.   We just kept is simple, but the house stayed cool and not to hot.  I had a game that I had planned on playing, but was just enjoying talking with everyone.  It was a nice, fun weekend.  It is nice to have everyone close so we are able to get together often.   Again I took no pictures. :(

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