Saturday, June 22, 2024

Baby Blessing and Father's Day

After being in Boise, the girls and I gathered some ideas and made a trip to Ikea.  They helped me pull things together and now I feel my home is more inviting.  I had hoped to get it all done before Ammon and Cora had the baby blessing.  My coffee table is on back order, I home it comes in soon. 
 Ammon's parents and brothers stayed with us for the weekend of Father's Day.  Cora picked up Ammon and Braydon on the Friday, Ammon's birthday.  Our EQ was having a shooting activity.  They got home and he left with Dave.  Later Cora and I went down to meet them and bring birthday cake. 
Saturday we moved cows.  It was great to have them there.  Ammon and Cora drove on of the truck as we went back and forth.  With less cows it went faster and was fun.  All went smooth. 

After we got them all moved, we did a few chores around the house and meal prepped for when Ammon's family arrived.  Cora makes a great pizza.  She served that Saturday night. Cora has great in laws.  They were wonderful to be with. Sunday was J's blessing.  They had decided to do it after church at our house.  (Dave had said that he would like a new tie for Father's Day this year.  I found an awesome one).  Ammon gave a beautiful blessing.  J was not happy until they sat her back up after the blessing.  

Leah got some great family pictures of them.  I will share when she is finished editing.  Blake was able to call and it was fun to have all my kids talking together.  Leah and Braydon don't often get to join the call because of their work schedule. It ended up being a beautiful weekend. 

Some other happenings this month.  Leah had a work conference in Toronto.  Braydon was still out there.  Leah's clinic took everyone to a Blue Jays game.  Had a box and bought them all merch.  They invited Braydon along.  They even made gf food for him.  

Months ago it was announced that Blake's mission would be splitting.  He got the new last transfer that he would be staying in Freetown.  He is happy about the assignment.  He really like Makeni and his MP and wife.  He is now ZL 1.  He isn't companions with the other zone leader, but they get along really well.  His companion was transfered to the new Bo mission.  He was transfered out the next morning.  Blake was in a trio for a few days until his new companion arrived.  He is training again.  Very happy about that.  His comp is from the DRC. He speaks French and so their communication has been interesting. But Blake said he is wicked smart and will get it quick.  

Dave's work bought tickets to the local baseball game opener.  It was a family event so the girls came with us.  Dave enjoyed showing off his little granddaughter to people.  She did well and was happy through most of the game.  

The Oilers are in playoffs for the Stanley Cup.  We aren't hockey fans.  But since a Canadian team made it in and had such a great comeback we started looking up scores and highlights.  Leah's boss gave her his sign in info and she invited us to come to her house to watch game 6.  Dave didn't really want to go, also didn't want to stay by himself.  I had just planned to have a fun night with my kids.  Dave ended up coming, Leah made us pizza and salad.  It was a good game. We had a great evening and will be watching game 7 on Monday all together.  

Back in March we were asked to fast and pray for rain for the next two fast sundays.  We did and of course many more prayers.  It has been awe inspiring to see the rain we have gotten and when we have gotten it.  The Lord know exactly when we need some more and sends it.  The fields are greening up and hay looks good for the cows.  We have been truly blessed and prayers have and continue to be answered.  God is not only good, but great.

1 comment:

  1. What a great update! So fun to see your family expanding. I can't even stand how stinkin' cute that baby is in the picture with Ammon and Cora outside the church. Adorable!! Enjoy the game tonight - here's hoping it's historic!! Lalainia
