Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Where did July go :?

A couple of weeks ago some one asked me when Blake was leaving.  When I told them the day they said oh you have lots of time.  Leah and I looked at each other and were like, it certainly doesn't feel like it.  How are we going to fit it all in.  But fitting in as much as we can had been fun and exhausting.  Blake has got a couple of skis in.  The water is very low.  At the beginning of July we were not sure how many more times at the lake we would get.  It was getting sketchier to put the boat in. 
One of the times we were there, Blake and I were in the boat as Dave was in the truck waiting in line to load the boat up.  We were just chilling on the lake when we heard a loud pop.  A few minutes later we saw smoke. In the 20ish mins we were waiting for Dave we saw a fire start and creep up the hill.  It was a little unnerving to see how fast it could start and spread with nothing.  Just a popped transformer.  And we were sitting there with all this water but had no way to help.  Someone did call 911 and by the time we got to town we heard the fire department leaving.  Kinda scary tho.

Dave and Blake have been working hard on this shed.  Dave has had this past week off and they work very long hours in the heat.  It looks great so far. 

I was looking for suitcases on the buy and sell when I saw this table saw.  It was wicked cheap.  I showed it to Blake and he said absolutely.  He went up and bought it right away before it got snapped up by someone else.  They have been using both table saw, Dave's and Blake's for the shop and it has sped things up some.  Blake thinks it is pretty cool that he owns a table saw at 17 :)  It is a really good one too. 

We have been collecting mission stuff.  Leah's office closes for a few weeks in the summer and she came shopping with us one day.  It was great to have her opinion on clothes and Natalia's opinion on proper footwear.  We have most of what we need.  Still waiting for visas.  Mission Travel said they did have Sierra Leone and have just sent away for Ghana.  Praying that comes back in time. 

I went with Dave to haul water for the cows the other day.  Blake was away and it was a nice night.  We drove down to get the truck and as Dave was unhooking the pipes I went to get in the grain truck.  Along came a cute little mouse, directly at me.  I was not excited to get in the truck after that.  Took some convincing from Dave.  I told Dave out next date night needed to involve less grasshoppers and mice. 
My parents came up and made donuts with me.  They were delicious.  They have a knack.  Mine never turn out like theirs.  I sent some up with Blake and Leah to Edmonton and we had some for the temple prep class that Dave is teaching at our house the next couple weeks. 
Dave and Blake can't just work.:)  They hiked Frank Slide last weekend.  It was a nice day for it.  Beautiful views as always.  Both a little sore after, just as it should be for all good hikes. 

After the hike, Blake headed to Avery's house.  He decided to take his dirt bike.  It is only 19 miles on the back roads.  Dave assured me he would be ok since he had a phone and a head light.  Side note: Blake has been riding all over on the back roads last couple summers.  Such a vast area and so many roads to explore.  He loves it.  Me, not so much.  If he broke down or got hurt I would have no idea where he was.  Also on the way to Avery's there are so many different way to go.  So off he goes.  At midnight he text to say he was leaving.  It's a 30 min drive tops.  45 mins later I was getting quite nervous.  I didn't even know where to begin in the dark to look if I needed to.  55 mins he comes riding in the yard.  His light did not work and his phone was dead.  He had made it home in the dark with prayer, trusting his limited sight and sense of smell.  He was also praying the whole time that I would be ok and not nervous.  What a lad.  I was so thankful for the guidance and protection he had getting home. 
Blake has almost got all of his shots needed for his mission.  One left to go.  There are time restriction between doses, so he is just waiting on that.  He is spending as much time in Raymond as he can.  Sometimes staying over at Leah's house when it's a really late night.  She loves having him come.  Blake went to church with L&B a couple weeks ago and then hung out with them for dinner and games. He is working on his truck and getting together with Gilbert and Avery when he can.  There is still a lot he is hoping to fit in in the next few weeks.
Work has been fun for me.  I have now been trained to be an MOA as well as referrals and reception.  I was nervous to do the MOA, but ended up liking it the most.  They days I get to fill in to do that I love. 
Dave has had big projects at work.  It has been busy with long days and a bit stressful.  He is trying to finish the shop, spend lots of time with Blake and still fit sleep in.  Life is good, we feel blessed and time is going by quickly.  Really, where did July go?? 

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