Monday, January 9, 2023

Christmas 2023

As mentioned, Leah and Braydon got here Friday evening.  We had dinner and just hung out.  My dishwasher had died the death a few days before.  I wasn't too concerned about it, as while Braydon is here we wash everything before and after anyways.  Just to be sure he doesn't get sick. It wasn't going to be any different with or without a dishwasher.  Everyone got in at every meal and washed, dried, prepped food, and cleaned up again.  It was a lot of fun. I think we watched a movie Friday night, oh yea, we watched It's A Wonderful Life.  One of Cora's favorites.  Part way into the movie our neighbors stopped by with a gift of crackers, cheese, and sausage.  And a giant thing of maple syrup. Somehow the boys were hungry again and it was the perfect movie snack. (Not the maple syrup, that was later) That night the wind began to really blow.  Dave asked Ammon and Braydon if they had ever experienced a chinook, both said no.  That boggled my mind, since they are so normal for me, but of course not being from SoAb, why would they have.  Ammon got all excited and asked Blake if he had every skied with a sail.  They got a sheet, Blake got his skies on and out they went.  It was pretty amazing, He went over 1/2 mile just getting pushed by the wind. Ammon had to go pick him up. Saturday was sleep in, hang out, piano, puzzles, Blake tried to get Jeep running, few chores, and lots of food prep.  We started just after lunch to make all the appetizers for our annual feast. 

A few slight changes in the menu this year, lot of the usual deliciousness.  It all was so good. I love appetizer days. 

After dinner and clean-up we had our Christmas program.  Dave gave everyone an assignment and then gave them 5 minutes to run around the house and find whatever they could from wherever to make a costume. They were pulling off bed sheets and going through closets.  They were all so creative it was awesome. In the end Braydon won for his inventiveness making pants out of a bed sheet and having sandals, Blake won with his hat, and Ammon looked the most like an Arab with his beard and clothing. It really was fun.  We read and acted out the story and then watched A Christmas Story. 

After they all put out their stockings.  The kids stayed up for a while and just hung out. (I love that my kids really enjoy being together.  Both the girls have brought awesome men in to the family as well.  Blake loves them and they have a great time together.  It really makes all the work and effort that goes into raising kids worth it, when you can see them all enjoying time together.  Makes me very happy) 
Sunday we had thought we would do stockings before church, but didn't make it.  We had a fantastic sleep in, a good breakfast and just make it on time to church.  After, as the turkey cooked, we did stockings, presents, more hang out.  Blake flew his new drone and waited for the turkey.  I love how thoughtful all my kids are in their gift getting.  They do such a great job and I loved all of them.  They know me well.  Cora had gone to a second hand book store and found some gems for Dave and I.  There was a mystery bag of books for me.  They didn't open it either, thought it would be fun to all be surprised.  It was so funny.  Inside for a few books in German, some health books, some that will be fun to read, but all a treasure and fun to look through. Blake also got me books, and Leah got me mascara that she thought might work and a great puzzle for Dave.  Leah got a great hat for Blake, he loves it and Cora got him Tannerite.  I didn't know what that was, but later we went out and it makes a pretty good bang.  Much fun was had with that. Cora did our centerpiece again.  Not sure they were being to helpful or not. :)

I made everyone take a Christmas picture. I love that Cora found my going away dress and decided to wear it.  She looked so good. 

Finally dinner was ready.  And it was delicious. 

After dinner, more clean up, and another movie. I got to put aways a few decorations.

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