This year really has gone so fast. Blake had a neat experience a few weeks ago. Bro Ballard from the YM general board was coming up. He did some training with those that work with kids and had a fireside for the youth. Many areas were invited to zoom in for the fireside from Canada and the US. There were 12 stakes in our area that were invited to attend in person. Each of those stakes were asked to have their stake presidents invite one YM from their stake to attend a dinner with Bro Ballard before the fireside. Our stake president asked Blake to attend with him. He said it was a really neat experience and he felt so honored that he would be given that chance. Blake said he was so nervous it was hard to swallow dinner, his throat just felt dry the whole time. But he felt he gave ok answers. The questions were in regards to the current Youth programs and what changes needed to be made. Blake said he was nervous because whatever they said had the potential to change parts of the program world wide. It was a lot of pressure. After he said the fireside was also excellent. I love that our youth get these experiences.
Leah's job has been going better. Some of her leads went in and demanded some changes. Things started to change and the next day she got two calls for interviews. Funny how things works out. She has decided to stay where she is at, it is a great place, especially if they can hire a few more people. This last weekend at work they attended a healing circle and smudge ceremony. I had to look up what that was. She said yes there was sage and tobacco burning, she had to swish it around her and there were dancing and such. She said the rest of the day at work she smelled like sage and tobacco. Lovely!
Cora's job is also well. Her and Ammon seriously have so much fun together. They just love every moment. Some set backs with the latest project, but that is not unexpected. Most days they are working from 7am to midnight trying to hit their deadline. She sent me a short video of her 10 min walk to work and it is so beautiful. The fall colors are out in Montreal. Their BNB rental was up yesterday and there is a kind lady in the ward very close to the temple that has taken them in for the next 3 weeks. Cora said she is great and makes them breakfast and is so kind, but she does miss having her own space. Every story she tells us, I just say, you are keeping a journal right, your posterity is going to want to know this.
Blake is getting into a system at school. He truly is exhausted all the time and is concerned about basketball. He will push through for the love of the game, but he is going to be tired. His ankle is still bugging him and we have got him into start physio coming up soon. I made the mistake of saying therapy instead of physio once and he was like, mom don't call it that. :)
We moved cows home yesterday. I was completely useless. For the first very short bit it was great, then suddenly they just took off. Even with my little jogs I couldn't keep up. Calum was on the quad and he kindly came and got me. TWICE! So I would help for a bit and then get behind again. I see no reason why they thought they needed to hot trot it for 3 miles. Blake has a friend that has an exchange student staying with them. A really nice girl. Always up for and adventure and to do anything. I asked him is he thought she would like to come help us. I thought if she was in farm country she should experience some farm work. The two girls came out. Blake is such a hard worker all the time and gets right in. Seems like most times he can read Dave's mind and know what is needed. Even with his friends around they get right in to help. Not so much with these girls. They did great, but Blake was a little slacking. Part of it was he was trying to be careful and make sure they didn't get hurt or injured and helped them know what to do. We were gently teasing him that lesson learned, he can't invite girls again. But they had a blast and the exchange student loved it. She said she can't wait to come in April and see the new born calves.

Dave has been wanting to build a shop for years. It was in the original plan with our house and we decided to wait on it. Wood price is just going up and so he made the decision that it is only going to get worse, might as well get it done. What put the decision over the edge was at work there have been wood that can't be used for the trailers. Dave offered to buy it at cost and they gave him a very very good deal. Has saved us an unbelievable about of money. I love how Dave works. He is a perfectionist, a planner, and very meticulous. Every step is thought out before, drawn up and planned out. He made jigs for repeat pieces and cut out lots a head of time. So when he actually starts, it is all laid out in order and there is a very precise system that is so fast. I went out to let them know conference was about to start and just watched for a few minutes. Blake and Dave work so good together. It was like watching a dance, every movement is planned before and efficient.

Dave keeps all the needed tools in this wagon and just wheels it out ready to go whenever he has free time. When he is all finished it is going to be great to have the extra place to work on tractors and cars. He designed it and we are excited. Not that it will be done soon by any means, but we are excited.
Conference is this weekend. I love conference weekend. So many good messages, good solid family time and good snacks. Leah was going to drive down and join us but in the end it was such a long drive for such a short time and we will see her next weekend.
Still loving the fall weather. We are getting some perfect warm days.