Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Happy 16th Blake

Blake is 16!!  That is so crazy, my youngest is old enough to drive.  He is a great kid.  Funny, doesn't care about what anyone things about him, he has truly grown into his own person.  He is just a smidge under 6 foot and that smidge is bugging him, :)  He loves working hard and loves farming.  Says that if he could do anything the rest of his life it would be to farm.  Grain and cows, he loves it all.  He has a small group of friends that he is very content with and doesn't like to venture out.  He is more of a homebody then the girls for sure.  Blake's birthday was Thursday.  Wednesday night he went bowling with his friends and out for pizza.  Gilbert drove them all and he had a blast.  While he was gone, Cora arrived.  She had dental appointments.  I purposely booked them over his birthday so she could be here for it.  And I was very excited to finally get to wrap all the items in his lunch.  I would do this lots for everyone else, but with a summer birthday I had never had the chance for Blake.  I got it all packed and hidden away.  The next day he text me from work and loved the surprise. 
For his birthday dinner he had requested Panko chicken, funeral potatoes, hamburgers, homemade chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake.  I told him there was no way we could eat that all in one meal.  Thursday he opened presents and went longboarding with Cora.

He got a lot of tools for his tool box that he has started collecting .  Friday after his work we just hung out and watched a movie.  Saturday we went early and took them boating.  Always a great time.  Cleaned the church and got some stuff done around the house.  Ammon surprised Cora and showed up Saturday night.  He had to drive back to Edmonton early in the morning to deliver a truck and then rode straight back down with Leah.  So we invited the grandparents and everyone got to be there to celebrate Blake on Sunday.  It was a good time and I loved having everyone in the same room again.  Blake really is a pretty awesome kid.  We are lucky to have him.
Happy Birthday Blake!!

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