Saturday, April 17, 2021

Easter Break

It is always nice to have a break from school for a bit.  Monday was Leah's birthday.  Again we had our first calf that day.  She was very excited when we sent her pictures.  Both the girls miss being around for calving season.
Tuesday Blake and I got up very early and went to Edmonton.  Leah had a few plans on her birthday, so we went the next day to exchange cars with her and treated her to Opa's.  She has been talking about Opa's for a while.  I am not a huge fan of greek, but she really wanted us to try it.  Blake was very skeptical, he wanted a burger.:) Leah order her favorites for us.  Decided to take Blake to the water park as we were up there.  That was great fun. 

The kids decided to go to the temple grounds to eat. It was actually really good.  It was a beautiful day.  We sat outside and enjoyed the sun for a while.

Then back to Leah's.  Her roommate had made her a cake and they had some of that.  It was a cute cake. We left after as Leah had to get to work and I didn't want to be super late getting home.  I found it interesting that we could leave one hour after Dave did, drive all the way to Edmonton, spend 3 hours with Leah and drive all the way home and only arrive home 30 mins after Dave.  You know your husband works long hours when.....
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Blake and I worked. (And Dave of course, Dave always works)  In between we played frisbee, homework, cleaned, and had a nice relaxing week.  He was not greatly thrilled to go back to school on Monday.
Leah really likes working at Moxie's.  She said the management is great and all the people are friendly.  So far she is getting great hours and desperately want to quite her other job.  But is worried about restriction and if Moxie's get shut down.  This thing is so stupid.  I am so done with lock downs and masks. But that is a side note.
Cora is having the time of her life in BC.  She loves the long hours and hard work.  She loves the crew and just everything.  She will send us a few pictures and vidoes sometimes of what she is doing. Right now they are taking the grout out of the temple walls and replacing it with caulking.  

She said none of them had done it before, so they started at the top of the temple to learn.  By the time they work their way down to where people can see it they will be experts. I think someone on the crew took this picture of them in cranes.  She is in the smaller one on the right.  Cora also told me about the company's Instagram page, which I like to check out each night.  Whoever runs it is hilarious and I like to see what my girl is doing throughout the day. 

Weather is starting to warm up and life is good.

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