Monday, April 5, 2021


Leah has wanted a surprise birthday party for  years.  But with various things we were never able to do one for her. Last year the fire department coming was a surprise, but not a party with all her friends.  A few months ago I called Cora and asked her if she could put one together for her.  Cora did an amazing job, and pulled off a great party last Sunday.  Leah was completely surprised. 
Cora got all her friends contacted and found a location they could meet at.  She got a DQ cake and stored it in a friend's freezer. Went a little before and got a fire ready, games, and waited for everyone to arrive.  Leah said at least 3 people actually wrecked the surprise, but she did not clue in because is was a full week before her birthday.  She thought they were all just asking her random question.  Cora even had someone else post about a fire that night and invite Leah.
When Leah finally did realize it was a party for her, they all kinda laughed.  They sang to her, ate cake, played some frisbee and hung out by the fire. They stayed for a couple hours and Leah had a blast.  She was very happy with the party Cora gave her. It was a great way to celebrate.

Today is her birthday.  Most of the kid went home for Easter. Leah had to work over the weekend so didn't have time to drive home and back.  Cora is in BC working, so Leah didn't have any plans for today. She has had lots of well wishes and ultimate frisbee tonight.  She didn't have to work today, which was nice. Blake and I are going up to switch cars and treat her to lunch tomorrow.

Leah said she has had a wonderful day.  Her roomate made her a cake yesterday and they stayed up way to late talking. For her first birthday away from home it has been really good. Life is going well for her and she has lots of wonderful friends. 
This girl is sassy, quirky, beautiful, and tons of fun.  If you are good to her, she will be your friend for life.  If not she gives way more chances than I would, but if you cross a certain line, that is it. Loyal to a fault, but very caring if you treat her well. She is strong in her convictions and will not be swayed. Love her tons. She is one of the best of the best.
Happy 19th Birthday Leah!!

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