A couple weeks ago, Cora and Leah came home for appointments. We drove all over Southern Alberta fitting everything in. First the dentist, Cora was super ticked that she had a cavity. She has never had one before. But with her mission and work it has been a few years since her last appointment. I told her it was just the British teeth from the last 2 years coming out. Next eye dr. Leah's eyes barely changed this time,which was awesome. They are finally slowing down. Blake's are still the same, dr said he didn't necessarily have to wear glasses to drive if he didn't feel like it. I asked Blake where he sat for class and he said at the back, and proceeded to give me a demo of where every group sits, and why he needed to sit at the back. I asked how he does his school work if he can't see, apparently he just asks his friend Gilbert what everything says. (eye roll) Poor Gilbert!
Dawson picked Leah up after the optometrist and Blake and I went grocery shopping. We had taken separate cars to the dentist and Cora came home after since she didn't need an eye exam. Dave had just gotten home from work, so they worked on the yard and getting Morgan fixed and ready to go. Wheel barrings etc. When we were done shopping Leah decided to stay down and Dawson would bring her home later that night. Blake thought it was a little funny that his sisters had come all the way down and he still ended up grocery shopping with mom by himself.
The next day they all went skiing. We knew the snow was not great, but they all wanted one last ski this season anyways.

Sunday we all went to church together. Dave stayed after and the helped the Primary with their Zoom meeting. We got dinner ready as Blake had YMs, and started eating as I did my RS Zoom and then Dave got home as the girls tuned in for their Stake Conference. It was a silent meal as we had head phones in trying to listen to our various meetings. I had thought about inviting my parents up, but it would have been boring as there was no one to talk to, since we were all in meetings. Right after the girls stake conference was done, we got Morgan loaded up and then Dave gave the girls blessings. There were a few things that Dave had wanted to fix on the car but didn't get time, right after the prayers I said what about the girls taking the Mazda and we keep Morgan till it can be fixed. So we transferred everything over and off they went. Leah is loving the stick and is not anxious for us to get Morgan fixed and back to her at all. :)
Blake and I have been trying to do the chores for Dave as much as we can. He leaves at 4:45 in the morning for work and gets home usually around 6 that night. So if we can get them done, he gets to have a somewhat relaxing evening and go to bed early. Blake is fun to work with. He puts in Jared's Def Leppard tape and sings away. He is a hard worker. He said the other day that he loves being in the tractor, he would love to be a farmer all the time.

Last Sunday afternoon we went downstairs to watch our weekly movie. A few minutes into it, Leah called. I came back up to talk to her since we were making plans and the sky looked very dark and smoky. Just after that Dave and Blake came up saying we had gotten an emergency alert. There was a huge prairie fire south west of us. And the wind was ripping over 100km/hr. We listened to the news and found out that we were on notice for evacuation. Dave and Blake went out to get the discers ready on the tractors. They had to get batteries ready and everything hooked up. I got a few things on the table ready to grab in case we had to run. Then sat down to watch news bulletins. When they got back, Myrna had come over and we just talked for awhile. The smoke was thick. Once it seemed to pass a little we relaxed a bit. It was time for my family weekly Zoom and suddenly we saw 6 fire trucks go past our house. We live out in the middle of nowhere so if something goes by our house it is not really on the way to anything. Again I started to wonder. About 4 hours after the first alert we were told the fires had been contained and people could return home. Thank you firefighters. Blake has three friends on their local departments and is thinking of joining when he is 16. Cora loved it and has got Blake interested in doing it. Monday we went on a drive to see the damage. The fires were actually a lot farther away then we were lead to believe. But still scary at the time. Maybe since I have been evacuated twice in the last 15 years I was more worried.

You can't tell from the picture at all, but I will remember what it looks like. It went right through the backyard of our friend's parent's house. Dave had a truck break down there on Friday and the fire was a 100 feet from the truck. And the next day was a blizzard, school was cancelled. What a world.
Leah is balancing both her jobs. As soon as her first job found out she had gotten a second they gave her a lot more hours and a promotion. Kinda makes her mad, if they would have done that all along, she wouldn't have needed a second job. So she is working a ton, which is good, but also trying to figure it out as school is getting more involved as well.
Cora absolutely loves working on the temple grounds. She went out two weeks earlier than expected. It is hard, long hours and exactly what she loves doing. She has started sending us videos each day since she doesn't have time to call. It has been great to see what she is working on.