Wednesday, May 17, 2017

New Beginnings, Youth Conference and Mother's Day

New Beginnings went well.  I did finish my talk in case you are wondering.  Just in the nick of time.  It was going one way and I found some new info I liked a lot better.  I had arrows and stars leading from one paper to another and did not even know if it would flow together.  But as usual in the church it all worked out.  I did not get one picture.  So sad!  I was walking to get one of all the girls together, when someone stopped me and when I was done, one of the girls had left.  Anyways... the activity before we had made tissue paper pom poms and hung them from the ceiling.  I had written a short skit for the girls to act out to introduce the values and their color, so we also ran through that a few times. Tuesday night was lovely.  Cora conducted, I gave the main talk and had the skit in the middle of it, Emry introduced our new beehive and then the stake leader and bishop each gave a great talk on prayers.  I then gave each of the girls a small gift and we closed.  I had made 4 different cheesecakes for refreshments and they were all a hit.

Friday and Saturday was our Stake Youth Conference.  The girls to the stake center  Friday evening.  They watched Moana, ate pizza and played lots of games.  Cora was in charge of the games for the evening and a few things Saturday.  She really enjoyed doing that.  Helped her to really get to know the other youth in the stake.  They got back at 12:30.  The next morning rolled around very early.  We had to be back at the stake center (an hour away) by 8. We had a great breakfast and then went to a leaders house to paint our buckets for trek, have a short walk (4km) to practice, and lunch.  For the morning, all the youth and Ma and Pa's were invited.  It was really fun for me to have my whole family there.

Cora wants to change her's to say Rat Poison.

After lunch 12 & 13 yr olds were dismissed and all extra adults.  We went back to the church, changed into Sunday clothes and had a few classes, an excellent fireside, dinner and testimony meeting.  It was a good afternoon.  Again back late.  My parents had come up to hang out with us.  We chatted for a bit then off to bed.

Sunday I had early morning meetings and just made it.  Spent to much time talking.  Cannon, Nicole, Kailey, and Levi joined us at church also.  We found it a little amusing that Levi doubled our teachers quorum and Kailey doubled our laurels.  After church back to my house where Myrna joined us as well for dinner.  Cora had to work and left soon after eating, then the rest headed home to talk to Star.  Myrna stayed a little while and then we went for a walk and watched a movie.  It also was a wonderful day.

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