Thursday, September 10, 2020

Another School Year Begins.

Blake had a staggered start back to school. He started on Sept 4th.  We are getting emails almost daily about protocols and stuff.  I have a series of questions I am supposed to ask him every morning and night.  Becomes a bit annoying really.  The school provided each student with two reusable masks.  He doesn't mind them near as much as I do.  He was a little nervous to start Grade 10.  He had not contacted his friends much over the summer and wasn't sure what to expect.  Blake is enjoying his classes, he has a construction class that he is really liking and got put in a psychology class for some reason.  He was going to transfer out and then decided, whatever, he wants all the credits he can get. His good friend Gilbert is in most of his classes and they usually spend lunch hour together.  He calls his sisters often when he gets home from school to talk about their days. His first day he came down wearing these same ratty shorts that he has been wearing all summer.  I have tried to buy him new ones twice, but he keeps saying he wouldn't wear them anyways.  Which is true.  He has always got attached to one outfit and will wear it completely out before switching to another on.

They have no lockers or changerooms, so Blake has to wear comfortable clothes the days he has gym anyways. His first full day was the 8th. He also started zoom seminary this day as well. It will be an interesting year for sure, but he is off to a great start.

Cora and Leah also started the 8th.  They are both upgrading at NAIT.  It is all online.  Cora was apprehensive as she hasn't been to school in 3 years.  She had taken all the courses she needed to be a drafter, but that is just not feeling right to her anymore.  So she needs Chem 20 and 30 and Bio 30.  She is really not sure what she wants to do and is hoping to figure it out soon.  Leah need to get a bit better mark in Bio and Chem 30 before she applies for the Lab and X-ray tech program she wants to go into.  It is very competitive. 

I asked them to sent my pictures and they did not disappoint. :)  The girl with the internet in their apartment moved out and they are having issues getting it back in.  Maycie has been kind enough to let them crash at her place every morning so they can do classes.  Once institute building opens they will start going there.  Hopefully internet gets resolved very soon. They have both attended some institute classes. They do get to do this in person.  Half way through Leah's first class she texted me to tell me how awesome it was and she is so excited for more. They have no idea if labs are in person or online yet, but everyday info is coming.  I am very sick of COVID.  I just want me kids back in school, meeting fun people at church, getting to play sports, etc. (sigh)  But I love online seminary.  College girls and last kid in Grade 10.  That went by in a snap.


  1. Good start to school. I agree. Covid can go away now.

  2. 100% agree! So sick of Covid!! Your kids have gotten so big all of a sudden. Time is going to fast.
