Monday, June 29, 2020

Grade 9 Grad

We celebrated Blake's grad this last week.  He had wanted a vest and orange tie.  When most stores were closed I decided to try to make one. We went to the fabric store and let him pick out any fabric he wanted.  I had never sewn a vest before and some of the steps I had to read over many times to make sure I understood exactly what to do.  The grad started a little later than usual.  At first it was planned to be all outside to stay within health guidelines.  And because there was a slideshow for the grads that was going to be on the side wall of the school it needed to be dark enough.  But just a few days before there was a thunder storm forecast and the restriction were lightened a little.  

Leah comments Keepin' it real on every one of Blake's Instagram posts.

Cora has asked many times since March for Dave to stop shaving until she gets home.  It bugs him to not shave, but apparently a few weeks ago he gave in.  One more reason to be excited for her return. :/

Look at my handsome men.  Blake's grad started with a parade.  Our little town is so supportive, it is fun to see all the people that come out. 

I snapped a quick picture of Blake and his friends before going into the hall. These are great boys.  I am glad he has had them the last couple of years. They sure like to joke around, but it is fun.

The awards were given out and Blake earned Male Athlete. 
 Well deserved. Mr. Jackson always has a great speech.  He says something that is special, meaningful, and funny about each kid.  This year he compared them all to Disney characters.  For Blake he said he really couldn't decide between two:  'a  few of the girl would admit to having a secret crush on Blake throughout the last year or two, so it had to be somebody quite suave, but it also had to be someone resourceful, determined, and a hard working'. Prince Eric and Russell from Up :)  
He talked about Blake's kindness, making people feel important, how he works hard, is a bit of a goofball, he is an animated storytelling, makes you laugh, and is up for anything. It was nice to hear he can behave himself out in public.  Just kidding.  He is a good kid. 
After the awards we all walked or drove to the softball diamonds were the town had fireworks as a surprise for the grads.  (I stole this picture off of the village town site.  I loved how it captured just the grads watching their special surprise just for them.)  Great fireworks.  Next they all stayed for a movie as everyone else went home.

He had a nice grad and it was good to see his friends again.  Since they don't all have a license, Blake hasn't been able to get together with them like Leah has her friends.  So it has been since March that he was able to.  They enjoyed laughing and being together.  I really hope school is back to normal in September. Blake needs the interaction and sports. A big thank you to all the community members and staff that made it such a wonderful night for these kids.  Happy Graduation Blake!!  Off to grade 10.  Crazy.  My youngest is in high school.  That is so weird.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a fantastic grad. Congrats Blake! You are a fine young man.
