Monday, April 13, 2020

All the Things

General Conference:  General Conference was amazing.  I knew it would be and was not disappointed. There is always such uplifting and wonderful messages.  This year for the Saturday evening session all 11 and up were invited.  So we got to do all 10 hours of church together.  We had some good meals and enjoyed being together.
Blake has been working on a tie.  We made them side by side so I could demonstrate and then he followed.  He finished it in time for Conference Sunday morning.  He did his and I did Dave's. It was a neat experience to do the Hosannah Shout in our basement with just the 4 of us. 

Blake working on his tie.

Worldwide Fast: During conference, Pres Nelson called for a worldwide fast to be held on April 10, Good Friday.  He asked that we fast for the pandemic to be controlled, caregivers protected, economy to heal, and live to be normalized. We had had a fast just the week before, but we felt this one was to be different and that we need to take it serious.  Not that we usually don't but like I said it just felt so important,  when the prophet asks in General Conference for you to fast, you make sure you do it. We decided as a family when we thought would work best for us.  Lunch to lunch Thursday to Friday, or Friday to Saturday etc. In the end we chose dinner Thursday to dinner Friday. It was a beautiful fast to break.  Dave kept Blake busy by doing farm work and Leah ran over to do a drive by birthday parade for a friend.  Then we all sat down together and ate a delicious meal. I know God can do all things, and am sure that things will start to improve soon, if it be His will.

Keeping Sane:  Dave and I don't feel like our life is to much different.  Neither of us like to be social much and he rarely has down time anyways, but for the kids it certainly is. I do miss going to their sporting events and watching. Leah says she feels this is very bittersweet.  She is getting this extra time to spend with her family with no distractions before she leaves home, but also she is missing seeing her friends that she may not see for a couple of years to do missions and schooling. Blake is keeping busy by helping Dave lots and building things.  He was craving tacos the other day and so looked up how to make shells.

Doing some schoolword. :)

They are on Easter break now and so we will do some spring cleaning and if the weather is nicer go for walks outside.  

Easter: We had a lovely Easter.  Dave had gotten the kids a few treats.  We always do the fun hunt on the Saturday before. My mom had invited us for Easter dinner, but we decided since Dave is still working (thank goodness, everyday we are still thankful for another day of work) we didn't want to be the cause of spread.  We are just staying home.  I missed the family and ham.  Fingers crossed we can celebrate again soon.  We had a nice meal and had a great discussion on the Atonement.  I love that my kids are old enough to really get into discussing things with us and it will often turn out to be much longer then we had anticipated.  For church at home this week we were able to have the sacrament again as well.

Cora: Cora is amazed at how busy they still are. She said that in England the ward averages about 50 attending and 600 less active.  Those 600 are her responsibility to call and check up on.  She said Sunday is a crazy busy for them.  She loves her daily runs to the beach.  Her companion right now is from Denmark and was telling her that the whole country is a beach. She can drive from one end to the other in 20 mins.  Cora told her that it took her 20 mins just to get to high school. 

Her companion can drive, so they can get groceries on PDays.  Still no word on where Cora's passport and drivers license is. She is anxious to get out and meet the people in her ward in person, but is not bored or going insane yet. 

She is over two zones, which covers all of Wales and she wants to travel around and see it.  She got transferred to Wales one week before quarantine and in that week she was running around cleaning out sisters flats that were going home suddenly with borders closing and what not.  She said as an STL she has a lot wider range of where she can go for PDays and is excited to see it all and meet all the people.  She loves street contacting and teaching in people's homes.

Work: As mentioned above so far Dave is still going to work.  On the 20th they will go to more modified hours and hopefully be able to stay at that until this is done. He is concerned about his wage going down with less hours and not being able to get the compensation most are because of the farm.  However we are not really stressed as we feel prepared and are hopeful it won't last long.  Many many prayers are said daily.  So many are out of work, we are thankful for what we do have and that our kids are healthy.  That we have wide open spaces to get out in and projects to keep everyone sane. And we are enjoying the beautiful world we live in.

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