Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Boy to Man

We had a very relaxing, much needed, lovely long weekend. Leah had school on Friday then worked that evening.  Blake and Dave had the whole thing off.  We had a grand start to the rain we need.  At church everyone kept saying thanks for the rain we got and I was like uhmmm thanks for the rain we have gotten SO FAR..... lets be hopeful here! We got a lot of things unpacked onto our new shelves in the storage room and all of Cora's boxes out of the spare room.  Still some work to do, but we are picking away at it.  Saturday Blake went to 5 Guys and to see End Game with Joe and Avery.  Leah had plans to go that night but then she had to work.  Much disappointment.
 from Leah.  She will try again next week.  Dave and I feed the missionaries Saturday and watched a movie after they left until it was time to pick up Blake and Leah got home. Sunday after church Leah headed straight to work.  We had a very quick dinner then Blake and Dave had some work that couldn't wait to be done on the coop. They got back in time for Toone's and the missionaries to arrive for milkshakes. Leah got a text just as she got off work about a party and her and Emily almost decided to go, but then thought by the time they could get there is would be winding down.  So they just hung out at our house for a while longer and picked outfits for their double date on Monday.  We found some gems.  Hahaha

Monday we were all home.  Cora called and we had a nice visit with her.  She said her mission is always so fun and has so many miracles and lots of work that by the time Monday rolls around to write a letter it is just to much.  They did have a lovely lady in their ward ask if they could do their laundry.  There is no washer in the flat and it takes a while to walk into town and switch loads etc. They were very grateful. After we had a great discussion with our Come Follow Me.  It has been a few weeks since we have had a nice long time to sit and really get in to it.  I love this program, it was so great to hear the insight and understanding our kids have.  Cora had even sent a message about some stuff she thought of that we included in our family discussion.  Then Blake was off to work and Leah off to her date.  Don't worry she didn't really wear either of those outfits. She had a great time and her and Emily stayed to go to a show after.  Dave and I puttered around, planted potatoes, more storage room stuff, Dave did budget for the farm and his mom.  It was a grand day.  As Blake headed off to work he took the 350.  I knew he was out growing the 100, that is why they have been fixing it up, but I had expected the 350 to still look big for him.  It does not.
I have found this process very interesting the last few months, as my son goes from being a boy, on his way to becoming a man. I know every mom goes through it, but still this is new to me. He is definitely shooting up.  He has grown 4 inches in the last 3 months.  He is now into a size 11 shoe.  His voice is starting to change.  I remember Taylor always having us look at his peach fuzz mustache, Blake has started to do the same, and his muscles.  He loves the physical work at Sis Smith's as he grows and develops.  We had thought about him becoming a life guard, but as he said, "you can't build muscles like this walking around a pool." :) But there is so much more than the physical. It is the maturing of his mind and his actions. He takes pride in himself. His appearance and his actions. He takes his responsibility as a priesthood holder of God very serious and makes sure his actions are always aligned to be worthy of that.  He wants to get better grades, he wants to work harder, he wants to go out and help his dad.  He is confident in who he is and his abilities yet always striving to be better.  He looks for the good in other and notices when they need something.  The world doesn't just revolve around him anymore, he sees others, their joy and pain.  Yet he is still a such boy and watches to many YouTube videos and makes weird noises. He sing songs over and over and over. He makes sure he gives everyone one of us a hug at night and whenever anyone leaves. He always tells us he loves us. He takes care of his sister and drives her crazy. I love hearing what he has learned and his testimony.  If there is something he wants he will try to make it.  A few days ago he made himself a discus and measured out the distance he is running for track and field so he can practice at home.  He loved working on the dirt bike and taking the engine apart to rebuild it.  Every day I am in awe of this man-boy of mine. As he decides what kind of person he is going to be and put it into action.  Because he wants to and not just because he is obedient to what we have asked of him.  He is starting to get more of a social life and make friends that are not just in this little school.  I marvel as I watch and am excited to see the man he will become in the next few years. 

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