Friday, November 23, 2018

Sea Camp

Blake was able to go to Sea Camp with his Jr. high this last week.  They fund-raised and go every three years so everyone has a chance to go once while in jr high.  He was not nervous since he has flown so many times. 

 Blake had a really great time. They spent a lot of time in the sea, boogie boarding, learning about siene nets, and swimming. did some labs where they dissected quid and other fish, and learned a lot about sea life.  One day was spent out on a boat.
They did some scuba diving from the boat and he tried eating some kelp.  Said it was not to bad. Many games were played 

It was warm and beautiful.  Blake came back very tan.

They went to Sea World one day also.  There were a lot of neat things that they got to experience.   When we picked him back up from the airport Friday, he talked thee entire way home.  Not many stories got finished.  He was so excited to share it all with us that in the middle of one story he would remember another thing that happened.  It was also the same camp that Leah had gone to 3 years ago, so they were reminiscing together.  Did you have this leader, did you play this game, oh yeah yeah, and saw this and did that.  It was fun to see them so excited together.

Blake didn't take a camera with him.  All these pictures camp from a teacher that went with them.  It is such a neat thing for these kids.  So much time and effort goes into the planning and organizing.  We have some great teacher at the school.  Blake had a journal he wrote in each day and will be able to remember this trip forever.

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