Saturday, August 4, 2018

Junction Creek Falls

Dave has been trying to take Blake hiking for a few weeks, but work or weather always seemed to get in the way.  He determined that nothing was going to stop them Friday.  He then found out that Leah also had a day off work, and he wanted us all to go.  Dave picked an easy one so I could go to.  I don't like a lot of elevation.  My idea of hiking is a beautiful stroll through the woods.  Junction Creek Falls was perfect for me.  It was going to be a hot day and this hike has lots of tree coverage so we were nice and cool.  It is 15 km round trip.  It took us 3 hours to get in and just over 2 to hike out.  Guess we went a lot quicker.  The very first thing, you have to cross a small river.  It is literally ice water, so cold that you are in pain and just have to keep going to the other side.  It is melting right off the snow just above us.  As Dave pointed out, after crossing we had a new appreciation for the young men at Sweetwater that went back and forth multiple times.  What truly remarkable men they were.

It was a gorgeous warm day.  After getting our feet warmed back up and we felt like we could move again we started the hike.

I am always terrified that we are going to see a bear.  I want to see one driving home in my car after the hike, but NOT on the trail.  Leah saw one just as we were pulling up at the beginning and wisely kept that info between her and Dave until the end of the day.

It was muddy lots of the way, but because of the horses that had gone through there were somewhat dry ridges to step on.  A big step for me, perfect for Dave. In other places they had logs across to help with the mud.

A little over half way we stopped for a snack.

Leah took this fantastic reflection picture.  Later as we were looking at it, we couldn't figure out which lake or stream she had taken it in.  Then she showed us this little puddle.  That is were she had taken the picture.  I thought that was pretty cool.

After our snack we continued on.  There are several small streams you cross on the path.  Mud, and an old sawmill you pass.

We finally reached the Falls.  It was so pretty.  Dave has taken many YM's groups up on this hike and it was neat to see what he has been talking about all these years.

We had lunch and jumped into the falls a few times.  Seriously coldest thing ever! 

We spent an hour of so here, jumping in, warming up and just enjoying being there.  We got into a good rhythm on the way back and made it out in good time.  It was a really wonderful day.  I was glad I was able to make it.  Leah had a bit of knee pain coming out and slipped on her brace, but Blake's feet were fine.  We were all sore, but a good sore at the end.  This is my new favorite hike.  It was perfect with the streams, tree coverage, distance,we only saw 5 people, and no park entrance fee. Goal is to do it again summer of 2020 when Cora is home.


  1. Looks like a perfect day. What a great hike. Beautiful. I've got some friends doing that hike on Saturday.
