Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Stuck in a ditch

Leah had quite the adventure yesterday.  She was supposed to have her last*game.  It was the farthest drive of the season.  Dave had come home just after lunch saying that the roads were awful and that there were semis in the ditch everywhere.  Also my parents, who live close to where the game was to be held, said it was not nice at all.  So I started texting coaches to see if game was still on.  I was told that one coach was very comfortable driving and so they were going to go ahead.  At this point I almost pulled Leah from the game.  I really really did not want her on that bus, but they told me that if condition got bad they would turn around.  Sure enough an hour into the drive I got a text saying they were coming back.  Later I found out that they did not turn around because of road conditions, but because an accident closed the highway.  Otherwise they would have Kept Going!!  Not pleased when I found that out.  I was told that they would drove Leah off at Blake's school so I didn't have to go all the way up to the high school and Leah would text me when they were close.  At 4:45 she said they were 20 mins away.  I had to pick up Blake from archery anyways and decided to just wait in at the school.  Half hour later, Leah still has not shown up.  She called me just after that and said they were still 20 mins away, they were stuck in the ditch.  They were 2 km away from dry roads and a semi came around the corner, hit the ice and jack knifed right at them.  The bus swerved to get out of the way and went into the ditch.  Luckily we had packed Leah a ton of food and she had taken a blanket and a portable charger.  For the next 2 hours we thought about going to get her, but at first they said the school division was sending a bus and that I wasn't allowed to because they were accountable.  Later the other coach said she was my daughter and I could do whatever I want, which is what I thought in the first place.  As we got ready to go Leah said the RCMP was there to pull them out.  Another bus couldn't come because of the highway closer. So again we waited. RCMP could not get them out so finally Dave and I put sand bags in the Tahoe and off we went.  At this time it was 6:15 and it was starting to get dark.  Half way to the bus, Leah text again and said they had just closed the road.  They were not letting anyone else drive by bus, the had had a few close calls with traffic coming around the corner.  We could get 1/2 a km away on both sides of her but couldn't get her.  It was so frustrating to be so close, we could see her and could not get her.  Finally Volker Stevin sanded all around them, dug out the tires, and pulled them out.  As we were sitting at the corner, theydropped Leah off with us and we finally made it back home.  2 1/2 hours those kids sat on the side of the road.  Leah said as everyone's phones started to die they actually had a lot of fun because they started talking and singing together.  We made it home at 7:30, had a late dinner, then I sent a text to youth leaders saying I was sorry but I guess my kids were not going to make it that night.  Just to find out that it was cancelled anyways.  Leah does not have a data plan so we had no idea.  I'm so glad I did not drive back into town before I found out.  It was a long evening.  I was so thankful we were all home and safe together that night.  We read scriptures and went to bed exhausted.
* last away game, my computer won't let me fix that for some reason.


  1. Wow. Scary. I would not like someone else telling me I wasn't allowed to come and get my child. Glad it all worked out. This winter has been crazy.

  2. My goodness what an ordeal. So grateful Leah and the other kids are okay. Very scary.
