Blake is still in Mount Aureol in Freetown. He told Dave it was like hiking Crowsnest every day in dress shoes. He said one day he was so tired they called every appt to see if they were still on so he wouldn't have to hike if appts were just going to bounce. :) But he loves it. He loves the country, his companions, the experiences. Everything. We managed to successfully get a package to him, which was fun. We didn't tell him incase it didn't make it. He was surprised and enjoyed it.
One of the elders in his compound had a birthday. They all bought him a Salone jersey and cake.
Elder D Todd Christofferson visited Sierra Leone. They bused everyone from the Bo mission to Freetown and brought all the Freetown missionaries in. Blake said it was neat as Elder Christofferson shook every single missionary's hand and talked about the Book of Mormon. Blake also got to see some of his old compions that had been transferred to Bo mission when it opened.
Blake also met the only other Canadian serving in Sierra Leone. An Elder Leavitt from Lethbridge. He is in the Bo mission. These two were pretty excited to find each other. His mom sent me the picture.
We went into Cold Lake and saw the lake, went with them to get groceries and then had dinner. We left after Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. Got home to feed and water cows in the light.
Dave and I went to a Pronghorns game, met Leah and Braydon there. Dave and I just both happened to be wearing our Southland sweaters. (I bought mine as a Christmas gift last year) So Leah took a picture of us under the Southland banner.
It was a good game. Unfortunately in overtime they lost.
We had a very cold few weeks. The water was freezing fast for the bulls and they had started running over when Dave's car pulled up as they knew what he was there for. One day it was a little warmer, Dave had an evening work event to attend. I decided to be brave and go break the water. I also got a calf out of the feeder and checked their water and cows feed, but none of that is scary. I walked in and one bull started over. I got ice broken and one big chunk out, then he was too close for my comfort. I got out of there. Then waited to see if he would leave after a drink so I could finish. Sure enough, he took a while, but had his fill and I finished getting all the ice out and was very proud of myself.
We bought oranges from Natalie and they were perfectly sweet and juicy. I took the rinds and have them soaking in vinegar to make my own cleaner. I now have an orange, grapefruit, and lime jar going.
February was our usual Super Bowl Puzey's way. We made lovely appetizers and watched a sports movie. Just a little amount of each item as we didn't want tons of leftovers.
Dave and I have also been part of a group that is doing the emotional resilience class on Sunday evenings. We have a good group and it has been interesting. We are almost done. I think it could be helpful for us to go through to help others if the need arises.
During the cold week we had beautiful hoar frost. I have been going for walks on my lunch break. One day in -32 it was pretty chilly. I bundled up good and only my legs were cold. My coworkers thought I was crazy. They may be right.

I know I say it all the time, but Dave and I often talk about how proud we are of our kids. The things they are doing and making a difference in their wards and communities. We love to watch and cheer them on. Fun to see where life takes us. Sometimes scary as things happen, but mostly it's a joy.