Wow I skipped a whole month. We have just been working away and enjoying the great fall that we had. Blake has been asking for snow pictures and last weekend was the first we were able to send him some. He misses the snow and weather changes, but for us, we fell very blessed that it has been general not to cold and not snowy, so we could work. The girls came and went to my Super Saturday with me. Which ended up being a waste of time. They did the quilt way earlier than they said they were going to and we could have just eaten lunch here. Ammon helped Dave with front of the shop. We only have the back top section to do and it will be all enclosed. It has been a couple weeks getting to it however with nativity practice and Dave's work stuff.
After the Super Saturday we all went into a college basketball game. I miss watching Blake play.
Cora was wearing Blake's old cords that he long ago grew out of and grabbed his hoodie for the game. Ammon was teasing her and calling her Blake, so we got a picture to send to him.
Blake's mission is going well. He is getting the language. Likes his companion and is learning to cook African food and live without power and water. He only has a bucket to shower with and it is very very hot. He says they run up hills all day long. His companion is having him lead out more. And a few weeks ago when the General YW's presidency visited West Africa, he was in the church news.
He has had a few baptisms, said he felt a lot of pressure to get those prayers right, but it was all ok in the end.
He really has seemed to adjust well. I know some days are hard, but he just takes it all in stride and keeps going. He seems to have the mind set that he was called for 2 years to SaLone and so he is going to suck it up and dive in.
Leah and I went to Calgary with Cora to help her shop for maternity and baby clothes. It was a fun day as we looked at all the cute little clothes. We went for lunch and also got Starbuck. Weather was good and it was a great day with my girls.
Belated picture, but I think it's cool.
Blake has always wanted a pet turtle. He found some the other day and was playing with them when he was told that they were for soup that night. Haha, he was a little disappointed. Look at that good looking missionary.
First part of December was the annual chocolate making. We got Myrna to take a rest as Emry, Cora, and Rachel were dipping. I said this is exactly what she has spent all the last years teaching us for, so she could pass the torch along.
Finally snow for Blake. :) We preg tested last weekend. It was not a great result. We had way to many open, 2 jumpers and one that got so stuck we had to cut the squeeze and reweld it back together so we could keep going. But as Dave said we could have lost the whole herd to disease, it was beautiful snow and not very cold. Just very wet. Besides the few mishaps, it all went pretty smooth. No one got hurt and we had wanted to reduce the herd anyways.

Dave was in charge of the live nativity again this year. It was not near as cold as last year and again it went well. We had a great attendance. He has also been in charge of some big changes at work that have taken a lot of time. Moving people around and reorganizing equipment in a couple of the plants. I have had a lot of extra days I have been working this month and will do so next as well. As people are sick and getting in the last of their holiday days. We have been to a high school game and junior high to watch Calum and Armin. I definitely do not miss driving to all the practices, but I do miss the games. Cora and Ammon have been back and forth to Toronto and Montreal and Cardston. They are looking for a place in Cardston that will be a bit more permanent for when the kid arrives. She is generally feelin good, just tired. Leah and Braydon are also doing well. They just renewed their place in Magrath and we are so glad they are sticking around down here. It is fun to have everyone close. Leah really likes her job and isn't minding the travel to much.
Christmas is drawing near. I decorate the other day and do enjoy reading a book my the lights. We have no plans for Christmas with just Dave and I, except to relax and hang out. It's going to be great.
Well there is a quick catch up of some of the things we did in November and start of December.