Every one has been busy working this month, but we have managed to squeeze in a few fun things. Dave usually does not have to work Friday's. By the time Friday rolls around he has most often worked over 44 hours that week. And Leah usually starts work between 1 and 3 on Friday's. So we have been taking the boat out Friday morning for a couple of hours. It is beautiful in the morning and nobody else shows up until around 11 and that is when we are pulling out. It is peaceful and warm. I have really loved these mornings.
Both Leah and Blake have gotten up on skis this year. Blake didn't give it much of a try one day, so the next week he decided he was going to try as long as it took. He got up first try that day. His face was hilarious. He was more shocked then anyone. He got a nice long ride, but we are still working on his form.
Leah can get up pretty easy, but she goes straight left every time and falls going across the wake. She has tried different pressure on her feet and stills goes that way. We can't figure out what she is doing. Because of this, she hasn't been able to stay up longer than about 15 seconds. Last time she almost successfully got across. If she can cross the wake then she will be great. Still working on that as well.
But it has been really fun. We take breakfast out. Tube for a while, eat breakfast, swim, and either try skiing or kids tube again.
Blake had a tumble on his dirt bike on the way to work a few weeks ago. Shook him up quite a bit. Won't' admit it now. He thinks he was cool and collect. I thought he had broke something so I took him up to the clinic. But all was well. Just very scrapped in the elbow, back, and head.
We got to go out to Kailey's homecoming. She gave a great talk and we enjoyed hanging out with them after for dinner.
Also attended Alora's baby blessing. Cute little girl and another fun day with family. We drove two cars so Leah could attend and then she had to quickly get back to go work. (Leah has found the days she wears bright colors she gets more tips. Interesting!)
We finally got Leah out in a tractor. Something seems to come up every year when it is her turn. She was nervous, but after said it was not hard at all. Kinda fun but at the same time very boring. She took her headphones and talked to a friend that was also riding around in a tractor. :)

Blake and Gilbert went camping again. This time they took their dirt bikes so they could ride in the coulees. Gilbert has land in the river bottom. They went swimming in the river. Their food worked out better this time. There is a fire ban on, so they took down the camp stove. It was a very hot day. They got all set up, swam, rode bikes, ate and played lots of card games. Before they left, Blake kept saying he was sure he was forgetting something, but he couldn't think what it was. We told him to just text us or make due without it if he did. Turns out he did forget something.....the tent and sleeping bags. It was very nice of Arren to come back for them. It doesn't make me so nervous anymore. These boys have proven themselves very responsible and it is such a neat thing for them to be able to do.

After a few tries of days that didn't end up working out, we finally got to Shakespeare in the Park yesterday. We had let a few people know that sometimes come with us. Just let them know we were going if they did or did not want to tag along. As it turned out it was the same night that Leah's friends YW group was going, so all her friends she invited where there anyways. Macbeth was the play this year and it was so good. It is amazing what they can do with just a few props. We did the whole traditional day. Met Dave after work, Pizza Hut, play and frosty's at Wendy's afterwards.

It has been a great summer so far. Leah works most evenings, but has managed to fit in time with friends. Her boss is pretty understanding if she asks for a few hours off. Our garden is growing lovely. We are barely keeping up with the lettuce. We have eaten a lot of salad this summer. Can't wait to harvest the rest of it. Love fresh garden vegetables. Haying is done, just need to finish moving bales. Jared started on that last night. It has been very hot the last couple of days, so far our house isn't to bad. Dave has got the Jeep running and Leah enjoys driving that around. So funny story to end on: The Jeep is pretty beat up and old. Definitely not in the prime of it's life. Dave got it dirt cheap years ago. Leah had a guy come into work and start grilling her about if that was her Jeep or not. He proceeded to tell her that he bet she thought she was pretty cool driving around and that she really should not show off like that. It makes everyone else feel bad about themselves. She totally thought he was kidding, since it is so old and barely runs. But apparently he was serious. She thought it was so funny. Especially since after he walked out and drove away in a brand new car. Weird.