Dave and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this past month. We had basketball games on the day of. A great way to spend it and then the day after we did a temple session. It was nice to spend some time together just the two of us.
My birthday was also a nice day. We didn't do anything. Perfect!
Blake is still going strong with basketball. He has another tournament this weekend. It is a JV tournament, so hopefully they have a little better chance.
Leah also has about another month of basketball. She is getting a little frustrated with her team. Since Christmas there have been two of them showing up to practice. Once in a while they will get 3-4 other girls. But usually when they show up they either are high, drunk, or sit on the stage and talk. They had real potential at the beginning of the season. Now they have lost the last few games and even to some that they have beat before. It's to bad. But she just keeps showing up and doing her best every day. Leah has a tournament this weekend too. Dave and I will decide who is going which way.
Blake has been wanting to go winter camping with his friend Gilbert since Dave took him last year. I kept telling him to get is organized with his dad. I am not a camper and it really made me nervous to send these two 13 yr old boys off by themselves. A weekend finally opened up, I realized that he was going to be persistent until it happened, so we made arrangements. Blake decided on the food and found all the camping gear. Dave over saw and checked to make sure it was all there and winter appropriate. We didn't want freezing boys. They loaded up a vehicle and followed Dave down to the willows, about 3 miles away. We wanted to leave them with transportation just in case. Dave said the grins on their faces was so proud and excited as he glanced back in his mirror. The boys got all set up. They cleared a spot for a fire and cooking.
(No on was harmed in the taking of this photo:))
Dave went and checked on them a few hours later and then we went down again just before bed. They had built a fie, eaten dinner and washed all the dishes, played card games, had hot chocolate and tried to pick out constellations. Blake had decided on tin foil dinners for supper. I made up 4, 2 for them and 2 for Dave and I. Leah was at a friends all day. Then I cooked theirs, so they would only have to heat it up, and set it out on the BBQ to cool to put in the cooler. They got all the food and gear packed up. I asked if they had gotten the dinner, yes they had and off they went. Later Dave came home and said, uh what are the tin foil dinners out on the BBQ for? They had packed the raw ones. :) Dave went down and exchanged them. When we checked on them that night they said they had not left the dinners on the fire long enough and ate them cold. To bad, but good thing they were not the raw ones.

The next morning after breakfast, we all went down and Dave brought the guns. We shot at a couple targets. Leah sat by the fire, then we came home. Blake and Gilbert stayed and made lunch and packed all up and them eventually came home themselves. They were very safe and smart. And they had a really great time. Now that it is over, I am very glad they did it. What a cool thing to do as a young teenage boy. They will remember that forever.
Cora update:
Cora loved the MTC. They would go out on field trips to Manchester and practice talking to people. She was there 3 weeks. They took a bus to the mission home. She said they had a full day of more training and interviews before she got to meet her trainer and see where her first area would be. Her first area is Jersey. She was really hoping that she would get one of the channel islands at some point in her mission. Lucky girl got it first off. They are opening a new area back up. Her companion is really awesome. They Skype the district leaders who are on Guernsey. and they get to fly back and forth to the mission home in Birmingham for zone conferences. Flying, Island, England.....this whole mission is so Cora it is amazing. They Lord sure knows and loves this daughter of His.
In her last letter she said, 'I can actually speak to people on the streets. It's not me though, 100% everything I say is inspired cause I'm just an awkward person. Ugh I LOVE this!!