September rolled on through and out agian, now half way through October. We haven't been up to anything grand and glorious. Conference was amazing. It just keeps getting better and better. Like everyone else we are very excited about the two hour block, but really excited about the Individual and Family Come Follow Me. Truly inspired men. I wish we could start that right now. Cora and Scott surprised us in the middle of the night Saturday and stayed for morning conference and dinner before continuing on to his mom's house. Which was the original destination. She had a fun Thanksgiving with his family, then they went to spend some time with Scott's dad before heading back home. We had Thanksgiving at Cannon and Nicole's. Nicole did most of it and it was simple and delicious. After we just hung out. Levi took Leah and Blake for ice cream and toured around on the way home. Fun that they can just take off when they want to. My mom is doing so good after her brain surgery. Getting around and doing things, it is coming and great progress is made each time we see her. We got cows moved home Friday. Saturday between sessions, Leah and Dave got some posts pounded.

Then after the afternoon session Leah and I headed into the church for the Women's Broadcast. Of course it was fantastic as well. Only 7 of us at the church. It was a fun little group. Leah has a heavy school schedule, but she is really working hard at it. The principle approached her a few weeks back and said that each teacher was asked to suggest a name for the leadership group. There were a few boys names presented and they narrowed it down to one, but every single teacher picked Leah. She was very flattered, but after much deliberation has turned it down. With all the extra school work she does and basketball starting soon, she didn't think she could give it the time it would require. It is fun to let her go, last week her and a friend went to a spook alley, she went to Emily's to do homework, has picked up Blake from practice and often goes early and stays late to get help on chemistry of math. Leah knows exactly what she wants in life and no matter how people treat her or what they say she will not be swayed. She has had a rough road the last few months and she is weathering it wonderfully.
Blake ran for the Junior High Social Convener. Which means he helps with social events like dances and such. We made up posters and he wrote a speech. He said to me that he thought the younger kids would just vote for their favorite anyways, so I told him to become the favorite. Play with them at recess, make up games on the playground, and to stand at the door everyday and high five everyone that walks in. Must have worked, he won!
He is enjoying volleyball and after watching Leah put in 3-4 hours of homework every night has decided to make sure he has good study skills now and has brought up his grades some.
Dave and Blake have been working every spare moment to get a shed up for us. Dave has been piecing together our left over wood so he doesn't have to spend anything making it. He loves working with his son. Each time Dave comes in very proud about what a hard worker Blake is.

Leah and Blake have been going over to Grandma's and playing pool on the weekends. We are just so glad they are getting along, we let them go. Dave's job is going well, still some rough patches to get through, but what job doesn't. I have started doing indexing and love it. Lots of cool things I am learning. Also working hard on getting Cora's visa ready, making appointments for shots and wisdom teeth. All the details to get her out on this mission. Cora has a new job and absolutely loves it. Wish she could have gotten this a year ago, but better then never. She works from 7am-5pm. It's a 45 min drive to work and then when she comes home it is usually in rush hour traffic. That is why I am doing most of this mission prep stuff, she is not home during office hours. She is responsible for getting the picker ready, someone else goes up and chops trees, and then she picks up and puts into the chipper. They help maintain the trees growing around power lines in the city. Scott helped her get the job and he was telling us that she has already advanced a lot. Cora is allowed to use the chain saw after just a few weeks and some have been there 5 months and aren't allow. Also he said that each morning, the other men on the crew request Cora. High compliments indeed. She will NOT be happy this picture is up here, we asked for one in her hard hat for a long time before she sent it.

Winter came as a surprise. After all the hot days of summer I was not yet prepared for snow. No fall for us this year apparently.