After our night in Buffalo, we got up and drove to Palmyra. It was about a 2 hour drive. Everything was so green and beautiful. During lunch we had a lady talking to us and in the conversation she mentioned how dry it was for them. Later Leah said she thought it was kinda funny since the province next to us is literally on fire. But really it is what you are used to right. We went to the Smith farm first. This tiny house is where Joseph grew up. It was amazing to see how they really maximized the little room they had.
We walked down a short lane to a bigger house they lived in for about 5 years before they lost it and then had moved back into the smaller one. When they moved back some of the kids were already married and the in-laws and all moved in as well. It would have been crazy packed.
I loved Lucy's kitchen. Apparently she was pleased with her sink. It was stone and had a plug in it to let the water drain to outside.
Pantry above and Threshing barn below.
We then got to wander around the Sacred Grove. It was a very special experience to be there. It is still very peaceful and it was neat to walk around and ponder.
I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. Seeing all the things that Joseph had to go through and his family. I know this church is true and it was an incredible sacrifice for them all to restore it to the Earth.
We then went for lunch and had the best hamburger and milkshakes. We really wanted to go back again the next day, but we left before they opened. After lunch we went to the original spot that the Book of Mormon was printed. I can not even imagine setting all those tiny letters one by one by one to bring us this great book. 5000 Book of Mormon books were ordered to be printed in the first printing. It took 7 months to print and 17 month to bind. The binding process was also fascinating.
Next stop was Hill Cumorah. We watched some wonderful videos and hiked up the hill to the spot Joseph Smith received the golden plates. Another great experience.
We drove down to the Whitmer farm for our last stop of the day. It was all so special and I am so glad I got to share that with my family. Stories I had not heard before, and neat experiences. I can't describe how much the time in Palmyra meant to us all. We stayed in Rochester that evening. In the morning we went back to Palmyra and did temple baptisms. I love that my whole family is old enough to do this together.
Beautiful temple, another beautiful experience.
I wish I could explain the feelings, emotions, and the wonderfulness of touring the Church History site with our kids. To feel the Spirit and share that together was very sacred and special. It truly was an exceptional experience. After baptisms we made the 5 hour trip back up to Montreal. We made a complete circle around Lake Ontario. Returned our car and figured out the metro and bus system so we could get around Montreal. We made it to the place we were staying. I was quite concerned. It seemed very sketchy, and the kitchen was not super clean, good thing we didn't need it much. But the bathroom was new and clean and the sheets were clean so we made the best of it.

Little Side Note: All over the Palmyra area they had these cute little stands. Lots sold corn, some watermelon, tomatoes, even raw milk and eggs. Flowers at one. But what I loved is that no one was tending them. They all had a box you put the money in and took your stuff. It was all honor system. Coolest thing. We got nectarines from one and they were delicious.