Wednesday, August 28, 2024

General Update

Blake is doing well.  He has had some really cool experience's.  We look forward to when he has enough data and time to call us.  He does most weeks.  He is currently training, his comp is from the DRC, he is zone leader and his a councilor in the branch presidency.  A while back he had fun finding his own ride to Freetown.  It is about a 3 hour drive.  He goes every few weeks for MLC. The MP was in Makeni visiting and asked if he wanted to have the mission bus sent for him.  Blake thought it would be fun to travel Salone style.  They got to a road crossroads and there are lots of people and cars shouting out where they are going.  Then you pack into a car, way over what we would be allowed to have here. and off they go.  Once he got to Freetown, the got a keke and make it to the mission home.  He said it was a blast.  On the way home they paid extra to have back seat to themselves.  He has done this a few times now and thinks it is great.  He really gets along with the other zone leader.  I think they will be good friends for life.  It is rainy season and it is flooding most of the time. He got malaria, but is recovered now.  Had horrible headaches but it didn't stop him from working.  He said he was there to work and not stay inside.  He put on sunglasses and a big hat and went to work. They have a rat kill count going in the apartment.  Up to 22 now.  They just beat them with a stick until they are dead.  It is the same stick that they prepare food with.  Just labeled it rat bat on one side and pepe pounder on the other. Oh my!  His zone had the highest find rate in the mission last transfer, he was pretty proud of that.  We love to hear his experiences.  It is a different world and he is just taking it all in.
I love this picture, so much about it.  The inviting hand held out, the elders under umbrella in the rain, the font outside, so much in this picture.

All African service project.  He was excited to get to work with a machete.

Surviving malaria.

Cute kid holding hand.

These next are all out of order.  
As I was helping Cora pack we found Sunpuppy, her childhood toy, and Black Bear, Ammon's childhood toy.  Cute picture with her parents toys. 

  Dave, Cora, Jane and I hiked Wall lake end of July.  It was a hot day.  With all the trees burnt down there was no shade and hotter than I remembered.  But it was fun and glad we got one hike in this summer. 

Shakespeare in the park was fun as always.  We meet the girls and Natalia there.  This year they did Twelfth Night. 

Canada day we spent with Leah.  Everyone else was gone, we met in town and went to a car show, food truck, had lunch, walked around the lake, watched a movie and then had some treats.  It was a different Canada Day but still fun. 

End of July was Magrath Day.  We went and spent it with the girls and Ammon.  Parade, Pancake breakfast, Wally's beach, some cool BMX tricks and dinner and ice cream I finally got to try at Blue Goose.  Was worth the hype. 

 Baling has been slow this year.  Lots of equipment break downs.  It was been nice having fewer cows as we haul water.  Don't have to do it as often.  I have got to be MOA a lot this summer.  Even a couple days all on my own.  I like doing MOA.  It has been a fun fast summer.  Fit in what we could and just enjoyed being with the kids.  


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