Monday, January 8, 2024

Christmas and NYE 2023

 We had a lovely Christmas. A few days before Christmas, Cora needed to pick up Ammon from the airport.  I have wanted to go to the Giving Machine for years and it has never worked out.  This year I was determined.  Dave said he was not driving all the way to go to a mall, so I had decided to drive up myself when Cora asked me to come with her before the airport.  It was a fun experience and I will totally make time to go every year.  It was the year for all to go to their in-laws, so it was just Dave and I.  We had several nice friends that invited us to come be with their families when they found out our kids were all away this year and we politely declined.  We were looking forward to seeing what Christmas would be like in this new phase of life.  It was quite.  We don't do presents so no opening or garbage bag of wrapping after.  We slept in, went for a walk, had a nice salmon dinner, puzzle, read, I worked on some projects.  We had still done our appetizers Christmas Eve.  That was interesting to figure out how to make in very small portions.  We made enough to have left overs in the evening of Christmas Day. 


It was fun to talk to Blake that day.  All the rest of the kids were able to be on the call during some down time with their families.  Blake had an interesting Christmas.  His companion at the time was Filipino and the Philippines Consulate had invited all the Filipinos and their comp to come.  Blake thought it was going to be a quick stop by and and say hi.  But they were feed a big meal and sang some karaoke. The night before his landlady had made boko food and gave it to them.  

Dave had the rest of the week off.  I had a few days I needed to work.  We got lots done on the shop and Dave cleaned the garage, organized the shop, and lots of other things he didn't need two people for while I was working.  Saturday we went to Myrna's for the Puzey gathering.  Delicous meal and nice to see everyone there.  Sunday Leah had wanted a turkey dinner, and invited her grandparents to come.  They had also been given some new games that we played.  After getting all cleaned up and saying good-bye to the Gs, we all decided to watch a movie.  When the movie was done, I remembered I had some Martinelli's and we all toasted in the New Year at 8:30.  Dave thinks that was our earliest toast in ever.  Leah and Braydon then went home and we stayed up for a bit reading and puzzling before deciding there was no point staying up, we could go to bed whenever we wanted. :)

2023 brought a lot of changes.  Leah got married, Cora is expecting a kid, Blake graduated and left on his mission, Dave has a new job title at work.  We are so very close to the shop being enclosed.  Made some changes with how cows are going to be done and have enjoyed the empty nest stage.  We love when the kids stop by and love that at the moment they are pretty close to us.  

We have some goals for the New Year and some things we want to finish.  

Happy New Year.  May it be wonderful and joyous for all. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed catching up on your blog. Not sure why I hadn't looked for awhile. Glad you enjoyed your quiet Christmas, but don't stop sending out your Christmas Cards - especially with the grandbaby coming! Lalainia
