Friday, January 1, 2021

Christmas 2020

We had a great Christmas.  Despite all the lock downs and uniqueness of this year it was nice.  I had thought about getting Blake a new suit for a long time.  He likes suits best for church and has only had dress pants the last couple of years.  But he was growing so fast I couldn't justify the money.  All his previous suits had been hand downs from his Jones cousins.  A guy in our ward told us that at Moore's  we could get a decent price at the sale racks.  I took him in to look around, thinking with alterations and finding shoes it would be a few weeks till he could wear it.  He walked out with it that day.  The store had all in stock, did alterations there and  they were having a shoe sale.  Excellent!  His first fitted suit.  He looked quite dapper Christmas Sunday. To bad salons are closed for hair cuts.
We knew Cora and Leah were working Christmas Eve and Boxing Day and would not be able to spend Christmas with us.  We delivered gifts to the families that Dave and Blake minister to. Then we had a nice dinner,  read the Luke 2, watched the message from our stake president and then watched a movie.  After the movie I checked the girls' location to make sure they had made it home safe and sound from work, only to discover they were half way to our house. They were surprising us for Christmas.  They arrived a little after midnight.  We stayed up till almost 2 talking and laughing, then decided we really should get to bed.  Dave had been up almost 24 hours. The next morning we slept in late.  So late we ate breakfast before opening presents.  It was so good to have everyone home. Cora watched a YouTube video on how to cut hair, then cut mine. :)  Did a great job too. Had a wonderful steak dinner and played Monopoly.  I have never played Monopoly before.  Blake wanted it for Christmas.  It lasted a couple hours and was humorous to me.  No one else. Cora and Leah were so frustrated, said it was to close to real life with money and stress.  There may have been panic and stress tears and some mental breakdowns.  They vowed to never play again. Very early Boxing Day morning they left to go back up.  Both girls had to work.  Dave and Blake did some work at the farm and then Blake went to work. Dave worked on a puzzle.  I cleaned and did lots of meal prep and getting ready for when the girls came back down the next day. Sunday I got a chicken in the oven before church, then anxiously waited for them to arrive back safely.  While we were waiting Dave and I went for a walked, later as we were relaxing, I looked over to the farm and saw half the herd was wandering around Myrna's house. We quickly donned boots and coats and went over to chase them back in.  Cora and Leah had arrived while we were out and came back to a dark house and no idea where were all were. That night we watched It's  A Wonderful Life and the first of The Chosen.  The girls had been watching it with friends each Sunday until lockdown and recommend it.  We are enjoying it. After we packed lunches and bags to get ready for skiing the next day.

They had so much fun all skiing again together.  Looking snazzy on the hill. They said it was a pretty good day.  Still some ice, but it had snowed.  Long lines since they have to stayed distanced, but it moved quickly.  The girls had given Dave a great thermos for Christmas.  He filled it with very hot chocolate that morning and it was still totally hot by lunch.  Even sitting in the cold car all morning.  They ate in the car and hit the slopes again till it was all closed down.  The lodge is not open anymore, so I can't go with them and sit like I usually do.  So I stayed and straightened up, went for a run, and made biscuits, bread and other things to prepare for the next day appetizer meal and to send as much food up with Cora and Leah as I could.

The 29th was relaxing in the morning. I had taped all the recipes with times that they needed to be started up around the kitchen.  We invited Grandma Puzey to come over.  For Christmas Eve we always do an appetizer dinner. We celebrated Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve this day. We got food ready, Cora signed up for classes, more puzzles done and just hung out. 

It was an awesome dinner.  I love appetizer meals.  After dinner we watched A Christmas Story, and another episode of The Chosen.  We read our memory jar and then toasted in the New Year.  By this time it was about 10, someone joked that we were 2 hours early, then we started laughing cause it was the 29th, we were a bit more than two hours early. 
Wednesday morning we preg tested the cows.  It went smoothly and was fun.  Great weather, no wind this time. Big bonus.

We had leftovers for lunch and just relaxed until it was time for Cora and Leah to pack up and head back to Edmonton.  Leah was meeting Dawson in Calgary to exchange gifts and so they left a little later than they had originally planned.  In the afternoon, Dave got a call saying that the Coop was flooding.  He and Blake took off to see what was going on.  It took hours for them to get it fixed and a part off that he needed to take to town to get fixed.  They ran back quick to say goodbye to the girls and went back out in the dark and cold to finish.  I loaded Cora and Leah up with lots of food and off they went. We packed in as much as we could in just a few days, but it was lots of fun and so great to all be together. 

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