Thursday, February 28, 2019

Basketball and Family Week

 Blake had a fun basketball season.  At first he was very disappointed to not go and play with his old team.  But he really enjoyed Uncle Jared as a coach and had fun with some of the boys on his team.  Some it would have been more fun to play without, but isn't that how most things go.  For none of the team, except Blake, having played before, they did quite well.  By the end of the season they were coming together and learning to be a team.  Jared's patience was amazing to us.

I didn't know that when I took these pictures of Leah it would be her last game.  As mentioned before there had been some problems with her teammates.  Drinking before practice, not showing up etc.  Before this game the principal and athletic director had a meeting with all the girls and had them re-sign code of conduct, gave them a talking to, a warning, and all girls agreed to be better.

I love watching Leah play against her friends.  They play hard and don't give in, but during down time are just chatting.

Anyways, with in 24 hours of the meeting, many things went down.  Girls expelled, skipping school, drugs.  It is a mess.  They were all called back in and they cut the girls basketball program.  Leah had one tournament and one game left before league finals.  It was a huge blow to her.  There were many tears for many days.  She is really hoping for one last season next year, but things do not look good right now. :/

We had a great Family Day.  With the new changes in how missionaries communicate with family we all got to talk to Cora early in the morning. She was excited that her first call just happened to catch us all at home.  It was good to catch up with her and actually get some answers to some of our questions.  Cora is great at phone calls, has never been good at texting or emailing.  We then had a nice breakfast and went into the church to play ball for a few hours.  It was an amazing foul shot day for all of us.  We played many rounds of bump and hardly missed anything.  Don't usually play that well, but we were on fire.  After lunch we had projects to work on and had a lazy sort of day.  That evening we spent more time than usual on our Come Follow Me and watched a movie.  Dave was back to work the next day, but the kids had the week off.  They each picked a day to prepare dinner. We watched some movies, went for runs, deep cleaned and hung out.  It was a good week. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about Leah's basketball. That is just lousy. Just remind her it gets so much better after high school. This to shall pass. I'm proud of her for standing up for her beliefs even when it is so hard.
