Monday, January 14, 2019

And She is Off!!

January 2nd we took Cora to the airport.  We had to get up at 3 in the morning to get her there on time.  Blake had not been feeling well all the day before and finally threw up just before bed. We checked with him when we got up and he could barely move.  I was very torn.  I really wanted to see my daughter off that I would not see for a year and a half, but didn't want to leave Blake.  Normally, even sick Blake would have been fine, but it didn't seem fair for him to miss it either. We went back and forth for about 20 mins and finally decided he would stay by himself.  He was devastated, so was I.  In the end he grabbed a blanket and a bucket and came with us.  And we just prayed he didn't pass it on to Cora. By the time we left he airport he was fine and ready to eat.  I am glad he made it.  Our first stop was to check her luggage.  In all the trips we have taken we have never taken more than a carry on backpack.  So we taught her how to check luggage and how she would pick it up in Manchester.
Cora then said good-bye to us all and was on her way.  I don't even think she was really nervous.  She had flown enough to understand airports and what to look for.  Was totally comfortable going through customs.

We watched her walk off.  Very confident and very ready for this adventure.  Blake is really looking forward to there being a much greater height difference in Cora's return photo. :)

Isn't she the cutest sister missionary ever!  I may be a little bias. Dave said just before going through customs, she looked back and gave one last quick wave.  So quick she didn't see Dave and Leah wave back.

We tracked her flights and was very glad to get the short email telling us that she had arrived.  She did end up flying with an Elder she knew from our stake, so she wasn't alone.

In her email she said that they had both asked which gate to go to for their connecting flight in Newark to Manchester and had been given the same answer.  They had a 4.5 hour layover.  They chatted and slept a bit.  Then just at boarding time heard the announcement...we will start boarding zone 1 for San Francisco.... both panicked, started asking around and ran to the other side of the terminal.  They were the last ones on the plane and just made it. 

She is a pretty special girl.  We have loved her emails so far and look forward to reading everything about her mission. Watch out England, you just got an amazing Sister!


  1. She is beyond amazing. Cora will be a fantastic missionary. Can't wait to see pictures and hear about her missionary adventures.

  2. Definitely the cutest missionary. She will do great things for sure.

  3. So exciting! Glad she made it and had someone she knew on her flight!!!! Shes going to beamazign!
