Sunday was our Stake Standard Night. It was a little longer than I had thought, but excellent. Touched on really great topics and the speaker got good interaction from the girls. And of course Emily and Leah got to spent the evening together. What could be better.
Blake and Leah are all done school and ready for summer. Leah had her last exam Monday. Before Leah got her license she had talked about wanting to pick up lunch for Blake and drive to his school and have a little lunch date. After her exam she decided it would be a perfect day. She picked up Subway and a Slurpee and then went to eat with Blake. We had opted him out of sex-ed and so she decided to bring him home with her after. Might as well study here as at the school. Blake's final exam was Tuesday and last day of school was Wednesday.
Tuesday Leah loaded up a bunch of friends and headed to town to watch Incredibles 2. She does so good with the stick that I don't worry anymore. I worry about her on the road but not with the stick. They had an absolute blast. She made it back just at little late for YW's that night. For the activity it was combined. They were going skeet shooting. Leah and Blake had really looked forward to the activity. Last minute, Dave asked me to go with him. I didn't think I should since I wasn't invited, but Dave convinced me that since they were his guns and he knew I wanted pictures, it would be OK. I felt a little uncomfortable, but had fun anyways. I even hit one target. Blake, Dave and Leah did well and hit a few.
It was a fun night.
There were awards and a talent show Wednesday. Blake made the honor roll and his talent was to play the John Cena theme song with two recorder and his nose. The kids all thought it was quite awesome. The school was then treated to lunch from the Lion's Club and we came home.
Blake was in desperate need of a haircut. We were not sure when we would be able to get him to town again. Blake decided he was just going to buzz it for the summer. Leah wanted to give a try at cutting it, Blake said that was fine since if she messed up he was planning to buzz anyways. Leah did not even know how to use the clippers. We had a little bit of free time before Blake's game and Leah gave it a whirl. Despite his face they had fun and he enjoyed teasing her.
Then off to his last soccer game last night. They didn't win, but Blake has learned a lot and really liked his coach and team. He had a blast playing with his friends.
Blake and Leah are enjoying their jobs for the summer. Leah has more plans then she will ever fit in with friends for the summer and Blake is looking forward to hanging out, swim lessons, and sleeping in.
Yay to summer holidays!