Friday, February 23, 2018


Last year we had two rabbits that must have made a home right around us.  We saw them regularly and Cora named them Bailey and Higgins.  As rabbits do, they have totally multiplied this year and have become a bit of a problem.  They have eaten all our new baby trees and have started to dig down under the snow and eat our grass.  We kept half joking and saying we needed to shoot them.  The other day Dave was out helping a lady pull her car out of the ditch.  Blake was out playing in the snow when he spotted one.  Usually we see them at dusk or in the night.  He was so excited that he sat on a big snow pile and didn't move for an hour and a half as he waited for Dave to come home so he could shot it.  He was so so cold.  A few minutes later we heard the shot and then Dave came in and said I needed to get a picture of Blake with his rabbit.  Blake had shot it first try.  His patience paid off. 
We quickly ate dinner and then Dave and Blake got to work skinning and cleaning the rabbit.

It took a few hours and it was a lot of work.  And a few youtube videos.  :)  They kept the fur and the meat and gave the rest to Jared's dog.  A few days later we looked up how to cook it and all bravely tasted it.  The rabbit really was not to bad, except my brain could not get past the fact that it was a rabbit.

Blake decided after all that work that he doesn't want to do it again.  But he was so proud of giving our family a meal.  He may shoot one again and not keep it.  He will give it all to the dog.  It was a neat experience for him and I am sure it must fit into his Duty of God somehow. After Dave decided to take Blake on an overnight winter camp.  They just went 3 miles away on Puzey land.  Blake said there were no animals out, but he shot some grass dead.  They had a fabulous time.  Blake built the fires and did lots of manly stuff.  When they got back just after lunch Blake was filled with stories and Dave said it was a good time.  He enjoyed being able to spend that time with Blake.

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